Gout Pain Relief


Gout is caused by the increase in the amount of uric acid in the blood. Uric acid is normally removed from the body through the urine, however if it is not excreted it can form crystals, which irritate body tissues like the lining of joints. This will in turn cause inflammation and pain, which is often quite severe.

The relief of pain is remarkable with some of the anti-inflammatory medicines also called NSAIDS or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications. The typical example is indomethacin or ibuprofen. Applying local ice or heat may sometimes help as well as keeping the joint without moving or bumping into objects.

Colchicine is typically used if the first line medications like NSAID\’s do not help but most people have relief of pain ultimately. Even if no medicines are taken the attack will subside in a few days. However if repeated attacks occur there can be lasting damage.

In some situations steroid medications like prednisone may be needed. The steroids will decrease the inflammation and decrease the chemical responses that cause pain. It is important to know that there are many side effects from all of the medications and you must discuss these with your healthcare provider.

In some gout attacks patients may need joint fluid removed for analysis and during the process can have local numbing medicines injected into the joint. These numbing medicines are also called local anesthetics. Sometimes steroids are injected into a joint to decrease the inflammation.

As with all medications make sure you do not have an allergy to them and sometimes taking the medicine with food may decrease stomach upset or gastric distress, especially medicines like steroids.

If a person is on many medications, which can cause gout, changing these may help. One common cause is diuretic medications, which decrease leg swelling or edema. Many older individuals are on these medicines and if they get a gout attack they must remember this fact.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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