Encephalitis is an inflammation (irritation and swelling) of the brain and caused of mostly infections. Viruses may also directly attack the linings of the brain (meninges) and cause meningitis. One of the most dangerous and the most common cause of encephalitis is the herpes simplex virus (HSV). HSV is the same virus that causes cold sores around the mouth, but when it attacks the brain it may be fatal in as many as half of newborns who become infected and up to 28% of individuals after the newborn period. Encephalitis is more serious than meningitis. If the meninges are inflamed as well as the brain, the condition is called meningoencephalitis. The brain is damaged when the inflamed brain parts push against the skull.
Encephalitis can affect anyone in any part of the world, at any age but it is extremely rare, with approximately 4 in every 100,000 affected in the UK each year. Encephalitis occurs in two forms primary form and secondary form. Primary encephalitis involves direct viral infection of your brain and spinal cord. Primary encephalitis may occur in isolated cases (sporadic) or occur in many people at the same time in the same area (epidemic). In secondary encephalitis, a viral infection first occurs elsewhere in your body and then travels to your brain. Encephalitis common symptoms is fever, headache and photophobia with weakness and seizures also common. Other symptoms include a high temperature, seizures aversion to bright lights, inability to speak or control movement and sensory changesstiffness.
Early signs of encephalitis can develop in a few hours or over a few of days. The symptoms of encephalitis are caused by the brain’s defense mechanisms activating to get rid of the infection. Treatment is usually symptomatic. Antiviral medications, such as acyclovir (Zovirax) and foscarnet (Foscavir), may be prescribed for herpes encephalitis or other severe viral infections. Anti-seizure medications (such a phenytoin) are used to suppress seizures. On rare occasions, steroids, which are strong anti-inflammatory drugs (such as dexamethasone) are used to reduce brain swelling. Sedatives may be needed to treat irritability or restlessness. Other medications, like acetaminophen, may be used for fever and headache. Reorientation and emotional support of confused or delirious persons may be helpful.
Encephalitis Treatment and Prevention Tips:
1. Use insect repellent.
2. Wear protective clothing like long sleeves and long pants.
3. Limit your child’s contact with soil, leaves, and vegetation.
4. Avoid being outside at dawn and dusk (when mosquitoes are most active).
5. Corticosteroids may be given to reduce inflammation of the brain.
6. Controlling mosquitoes may reduce the chance of some infections.
7. Animal vaccination is important to prevent encephalitis caused by rabies virus.
8. Vaccination is available to prevent a form of viral encephalitis.