Eco is the Way to Go!


Cleaning products are essential for killing germs and keeping your home and work environment sanitary. But what you may not realize is that traditional chemical-based cleaning products present a plethora of health issues for the unaware consumer.

They usually contain chemicals which are known eye, lung and skin irritants. Adults, children and babies with a pre-disposition to allergic reactions may react swiftly and severely to these toxic chemicals.

Not only are these chemicals toxic to humans, they present an unacceptable pollution risk to our environment as the chemicals are flushed down the toilet or rinsed down the drain.

Here is a summary of some of the most dangerous chemicals which you may find in your household cleaning products:

1. Sodium Lauryl/Laureth Sulphate (SLS and SLES) – SLS is a synthetic chemical derived from coconut and is often marketed as a natural derivative. But this chemical derivation process is what gives SLS its deadly toxicity. It can be found in virtually every toothpaste, shampoo, cleaning agent and bubble bath and is actually a very caustic detergent commonly found in industrial-strength cleaning products such as engine degreasers and industrial floor cleaners. SLS and SLES are skin irritants and cause dry, itchy scalp, dandruff and being a corrosive agent can corrode the hair follicles leading to hair loss. It also penetrates and is stored in tissues and organs. It is a mutagen which damages the genetic information or DNA in the cells of the body causing the effected organ or tissue to produce mutated new cells. It is not surprising therefore that Dr Samuel Epstein places the blame for the rise of cancer in our western world squarely on the shoulders of chemicals like SLS. Cancer is a mutative disease – one only has to wonder about how mutative chemicals like SLS cause or contribute to cancer.

2. Aluminium – Found in the majority of deodorants. Studies have shown regular use is linked to an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s and other Degenerative brain disorders.

3. Skin Irritation – Some research has linked chemical flouride to cancer and brain degeneration.

4. Mineral oil – Mineral oil is found in body lotions and sorbolene creams and is manufactured from crude oil. It is used as a barrier cream but only does this successfully because it clogs and dehydrates the skin so you are left with the illusion of skin that is smooth and supple but is unable to breathe. Skin is a living respiratory, eliminative organ and if it is clogged will not perform its physiological function leading to increasing toxicity of the underlying tissues and organs.

5. Air Pollutants – many of these cleaning products contain VOC’s (Volatile Organic Compounds) which cause eye, nose, throat and lung irritation. Have you ever wondered why your eyes water and throat burns every time you open that bottle of bleach? People with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome are particularly susceptible.

6. Fragrances – Again, if you suffer from asthma or allergies, fragrances may set you off, leading to an asthma attack, watery eyes, itchy throat, sneezing, wheezing and coughing. Chemical or artificial fragrances also contain VOC’s. Natural fragrant essential oils don’t, but in people with MCS may also have an unpleasant allergic effect.

7. Dyes, such as blue dye in toilet cleaners and yellow in toilet fragrances are only added to increase the aesthetic appeal of such products but are environmental pollutants and best avoided.

8. Non-Biodegradability – many cleaning products are slow to break down in the environment and are air or water pollutants. Endocrine disruptors such as alkylphenol ethoxylates are detergents which are not only slow to break down but disrupt the endocrine or hormone systems of marine and bird life as they enter the waterways after flushing or washing down the drain.

9. Health and Safety Aspects – We’ve all heard horror stories of young toddlers ingesting Draino and caustic Dishwasher powder. By using non-caustic natural powders and liquids, it might make your child sick if ingested but will not burn or scald their delicate intestinal tracts and leave them scarred for life.

Why is Eco the Way to Go?

Eco-friendly and chemical-free natural cleaning products have obvious benefits to the user and environment – no pollution, greater biodegradability, less chance of allergic reaction. When purchasing these products, also pay attention to the packaging – Natural powders (being highly and quickly biodegradable) should come in a plastic inner bag inside a recycled cardboard box. Make sure the cleaner, even though it is non-toxic comes in a recycled plastic container with a safety lid to prevent children ingesting the contents.

Making the change from traditional supermarket cleaners to biodegradable, non-toxic alternatives can dramatically reduce the chemical and personal impact of these products without sacrificing cleaning effectiveness. In fact , many of these cleaners, while initially costing a little more, may last a lot longer as many of them are concentrated and devoid of unnecessary useless chemical ‘fillers’ which bulk the product but are ineffective cleaning agents.

We need to start considering our children’s future – time is running out and if we don’t take steps to reduce our environmental footprint on the earth, our children will pay the price!

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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