Dual Diagnosis, Drug Addiction, Alcoholism and Their Similarities


There are many similarities between drug addiction, alcoholism and a mental health disorder. While the combination of a drug addiction or alcohol addiction and a mental health disorder is called a dual diagnosis, they should all be treated simultaneously in a drug rehab, alcohol rehab or dual diagnosis treatment program.

Below are the listed similarities:

1. Drug addiction, alcoholism and mental health disorders are physiological diseases with strong genetic and hereditary components.

2. Drug addiction, alcoholism and mental health disorders are physical/mental/spiritual diseases.

3. Drug addiction, alcoholism and mental health disorders if left untreated are progressive, chronic, incurable, and potentially fatal.

4. Denial of the disease of drug addiction, alcoholism and mental health disorders and noncompliance with attempts at addiction treatment, drug rehab or dual diagnosis treatment are symptoms of the disorder.

5. Drug addiction, alcoholism and mental health disorders manifest loss of control in behavior, thought, and emotions.

6. Drug addiction, alcoholism and mental health disorders effect the whole family.

7. Growing powerlessness and unmanageability over drug addiction, alcoholism or mental illness’s lead to feelings of guilt, shame, depression, and despair.

8. Drug addiction, alcoholism and mental health disorders are diseases of vulnerability and isolation.

9. Both the primary symptoms of each disease AND loss of control in behavior/thought/emotion are reversible with addiction treatment or dual diagnosis treatment.

10. Recovery consists of: Stabilization of the acute disease Rehabilitation of body, mind, and spirit

11. The risk of relapse in either disease is always high, and relapse in drug addiction or alcoholism will inevitably trigger a relapse in the mental health disorder. 12. The only hope for life-long recovery lies in working our Recovery Program(s): ONE DAY AT A TIME

If you are looking for an effective dual diagnosis treatment program, you can call the dual diagnosis helpline at 1-800-511-9225 or go to www.steppingstonecenter.org

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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