Drug Rehab: 5 Warning Signs of a Poor Quality Rehab

Drug Rehab 5 Warning Signs of a Poor Quality Rehab

With all the choices out there, and so much of the information on the internet biased and commercial, getting the information you need can be tough; and since the decision needs to be made quickly, doubly so.

As a starting point, here is a list of 5 things that you should consider warning signs of a poor quality rehab. Most rehabs do offer good quality programming and care, but there are some who exist for little else than to collect your admission checks. Many of these poor quality rehabs will exhibit on or more of these warning signs.

5 signs of a poor quality rehab

1 No or limited individual therapy.

Therapeutically, the biggest expense for most rehabs is the operation of an individual therapy program. Individual sessions with a therapist or psychologist are very expensive, and as a cost savings measure, some rehabs will offer either no or very little individual therapy.

Individual therapy is enormously beneficial, and you should be wary of any rehab that minimizes it importance.

2 No family involvement

Family should be invited to participate actively in the therapies and seminars of rehab. Family therapy with a counselor, family group meetings and family educational seminars can all educate the family on how best to support an addict in recovery, and can also help to heal some of the family wounds that may be leading to abuse.

Rehabs that do not offer family involvement (again therapy cost savings) should be considered suspect.

3 The rehab is not accredited or certified

Some rehabs will try to avoid the expense of meeting certification requirements and run an uncertified program. Certified rehabs meet a minimum standard of care, their therapies are approved, and they must hire professional and licensed experts. Non certified facilities may do pretty much whatever they like.

Some may boast of non accreditation as a means to offer cutting-edge therapy or programs, but this is probably just a positive spin on a very bad sign.

4 They have a too impressive success rate.

If the rehab boasts of an 80-90% success rate, or speaks of “curing” participants, they should be avoided. No rehab can offer such incredible success rates (about rehab success rates) and if they mislead on that, can they be trusted on anything else they say?

5 Using one form of therapy exclusively

It’s OK for a rehab program to focus on one form of therapy as primary, but additional and complimentary therapies and education should be offered as well. No some form of therapy works well for all addicts in recovery, and to have the best chance of success, you need to learn a number of tools towards sobriety.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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