Drug Companies Hijack Clinton’s Heart News


When Bill Clinton was scheduled for heart surgery, reporters
spoke of how he had been a junk food addict, loving burgers,
fries, and shakes, even eating a whole pie at one sitting.

After his quadruple bypass surgery, the major TV news shows
talked about how Bill had stopped taking his statin drugs,
and showed many of the pricey brands of pills.

Naughty, naughty, bad Bill.

Whoa! Stop! Time out!

Bad eating habits can clog arteries, despite any medications
taken. Good eating habits can reduce blood cholesterol
levels and the likelihood of plaque deposits. In fact,
several medical studies have shown that lifestyle changes
can even reverse heart disease, with or without drugs.

For example, do a web search on “Dean Ornish”.

Dr. Ornish’s “Life Choice Diet”
is a low-fat vegetarian way of eating with less than 10% of
calories from fat. The focus is on beans, fruits,
vegetables, and whole grains, with processed foods and
nonfat dairy products consumed in moderation. Simple sugars
and alcohols, like fat, are to be avoided.

In my “Easy Health Diet”, I don’t insist on a totally
vegetarian diet. I do, however, show that it is easy to curb
fat fried foods and fatty sauces, and to replace a large
portion of four legged meats with traditional soy foods. Of
course, moderate exercise helps, as in my “Easy Exercise All

Tip: If you can’t find your cheek bones and jaw bone in the
mirror without using your fingers, you are FAT! If you are
merely “pleasingly plump”, you are still at elevated risk.
You are inviting a whole host of possibly fatal diseases.

Take responsibility for your own health. And be very careful
interpreting news. Statin pills and prayers do less for
health than good diet and moderate exercise.

Sometimes drug companies make me sick!

Naughty, naughty, bad drug companies.

** Diet with FACTS, not MYTHS. **

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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