DNA – Welcome To The World Of Deoxyribonucleic Acid

DNA – Welcome To The World Of Deoxyribonucleic Acid

Did we ever know that the basic building unit of our human body is an Atom? For all of you who have been exposed to elementary biology at some stage of your life must be fully familiar with this term. And with that assumption, let me introduce you to DNA (scientifically known as Deoyribonucleic acid).

For me, millions of DNA arrange themselves into 46 chromosomes. These 46 chromosomes form the basic foundation of an off-spring of a race.

Essentially, some DNA units carry the basic structure of genes which are extremely helpful in carrying genetic information. To cut a long story short, DNA is a molecule that stores information over long periods of time which also couples up as an instruction-manager when it comes to formation of the proteins and carrying genetic information.

Each DNA strand (unit of DNA) is made up of nucleotides backed up by a strong backbone of sugar and phosphate atoms. These bond together by bonds made of esters. The bases which are one of the four types of molecules attached to each sugar take the responsibility of encoding information. 

The process of encoding and transmitting information can be simplified in to the below mentioned four steps :Information is encoded by the bases which are attached to each sugar molecule.

The genetic code reads the information provided by the base. This reading of information is vital the specification of the building block of proteins, amino acids.To read the code, DNA stretches are transcribed into RNA molecules. These RNA molecules then synthesize the proteins. More importantly, structures like ribosomes have the presence of RNA directly.

In animals, plants the DNA is stored inside the cell nucleus. Before we talk about DNA Replication which is the last step of a scientific process, we need to know how the DNA is organized. A genome consists of chromosomes and these genomes reside in a cell. Chromosomes, as explained earlier, consist of the DNA in an organized and structural manner. And in essence, DNA replication is characterized by division of cells but before which the chromosomes duplicate themselves.DNA, in recent times has created a lot of news for itself.

With concepts like cloning to the fore, DNA has carved a niche for itself. It finds itself right in the middle of the Genetic Engineering Revolution which in simple terms is the study of genes. DNA also figures in Forensic Science.

How many times have we heard about Forensic Investigators doing a DNA test of a blood sample of a criminal? It is said that no two DNA samples match and a DNA sample is unique to a person.The science of the DNA is a bit complex to understand, but once you break the nut, it will be an exciting career prospect for you. More than anything, you will get down to understanding genes in the right terms.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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