Discover the best Adult Acne Treatment that is waiting for you


Adult acne is a serious problem for 1 in 14 people. Women over 25 are particularly prone to adult onset acne. This article examines three causes and suggest possible treatments that can help each one.

As a sufferer of adult acne you are desperate for a solution. There are two types of acne in adults: the one that has persisted since the teenage years, and the one that suddenly appears in later life.

Typically the latter form of adult acne affect women over 25, but it is estimated that 7% of 28-40 year-olds suffer. Whichever ‘type’ you have, everyone who suffers from adult acne has one thing in common – we are all searching for the best treatment and a lasting cure.

Acne at any age is difficult to deal with, but adult acne is particularly hard to bear. Women can use concealers and make up to mask the effects, but men rarely have that option.

The damage to your self-confidence can be immense.

There are effective treatments that you can get from the doctor, and excellent home treatments that can really make a difference to your adult acne. Let’s take a brief look at the best adult acne treatments around.

Can you imagine looking in the mirror and seeing a clear-skinned face looking back at you?

Can you imagine having the self-confidence to talk with a stranger and not feel ashamed of your zits and blemishes?

Can you imagine life without the discomfort and soreness that spots and breakouts have made your constant companion?

You can have all these things when you follow an effective adult acne treatment plan that finally rids you of your problem. You just need to find the right treatment for you.

Adult acne is believed to be caused by three factors: persistent bacterial infection of the hair follicles; a reaction to hormones present in your body; and stress. Any one, or a combination of these factors, can lead to the breakouts associated with adult acne.

Your doctor may recommend oral medications such as antibiotics (tetracycline is often prescribed and is quite effective). Adult acne female treatment often includes prescribing a contraceptive pill that contains substances called anti-androgens (Dianette is a popular brand). Before resorting to long-term oral medications, however, it is best to exhaust the possibilities of topical skincare products and creams that are available either over-the-counter or by prescription. Many of these combine benzyl peroxide – an old, but effective topical treatment – with an antibiotic such as erythromycin. These can be effective for many people, but can cause drying and itching in some cases.

Finally, stress is a big factor in adult acne and sufferers can often find some improvement if major stress factors in their lives are faced and dealt with. That is easier said than done, but systems such as the Sedona Method can be effective at allowing you to ‘let go’ of some of your major stress triggers.

In most cases adult acne will clear itself up eventually. But in the meantime it can blight your life. It seems so unfair that all your friends grew out of their zitty phase years ago while you still suffer.

Despite the claims often made in books, there is no easy solution that works for everyone. Your skin is individual to you and its problems are unique. Any one of the adult acne ‘cures’ detailed above could be the answer you are looking for.

Seek advice from your doctor or pharmacist and persist.

The results are well worth the effort: a clear complexion and an enhanced self-confidence. Adult acne is a problem you share with at least one in fourteen people. You are not alone and your best treatment is out there waiting for you.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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