Cramps are unpleasant, often painful, sensations caused by contraction or over shortening of muscles. Muscle cramps are common and may be stopped by stretching the muscle. Muscle cramps can be caused by nerves that malfunction. Sometimes this malfunction is due to a health problem, such as a spinal cord injury or a pinched nerve in the neck or back. Cramps are extremely common. Almost everyone (one estimate is about 95%) experiences a cramp at some time in their life.
There are five fundamental causes of cramping: hyperflexion; insufficient oxygenation; vulnerability to big changes in temperature; dehydration; or reduced blood salt. Muscle spasms are distinct than muscle twitches, which are covered in a distinct clause. Muscle twitching is the outcome of unscripted local muscle contractions that are forced. Cramps may too happen after inaction, such as sitting overly long in one spot without moving a muscle. Muscle cramps may too be a symptom/complication of pregnancy, kidney disease, thyroid disease, hypokalemia or hypocalcemia (as conditions), fidgety legs syndrome, and dual sclerosis.
Muscle cramps can be treated by applying a soft massage on the cramped muscle, stretching the muscle and applying heat or cold. Heat improves superficial blood circulation and makes muscles more flexible. Eating foods high in potassium, such as potatoes, prunes, raisins, bananas, orange juice, lima beans, spinach, tomatoes, sunflower seeds, or almonds can help prevent muscle cramps. Leg cramps may too be payable to vitamin D inadequacy. Keep blankets loose at the foot of the sheet to forbid your toes and feet from pointing downwards while you sleep. Exercises regularly during the week to assist extend and circumstance your muscles.
Cracked Lips Treatment and Prevention Tips:
1. Wear proper foot gear.
2. Gently stretch the effected muscle or muscle group.
3. Keep the effected areas moving with light activity and gentle massage.
4. Continue to apply heat and massage to help promote blood flow.
5. Massage and manual trigger point therapy can be used to treat.
6. Do aquatic exercises regularly during the week to help stretch and condition your muscles.