Control Pain With Hypnotherapy

Control Pain With Hypnotherapy

The saying “no pain, no gain” simply is not true. Think of all of the times pain has kept you from participating in activities that you enjoy – perhaps partaking in sports and even sitting can be impossible when you are in great pain. Did you gain anything from missing out on memories?

However, the saying that “Pain is all in your head” can, often, be true. If that is so, then the cure is all in your head, also. With self hypnosis, pain can vanish. Despite what you may think, hypnosis is simply a mental state during which messages can connect with the unconscious mind more easily. The state of hypnosis is characterized by deep relaxation. In fact, with regular practice of a self hypnosis pain elimination regimen, you will find yourself much more calm over all.

Pain is a signal that something in your body is amiss. So pain is actually a good thing. But once you have your doctor check you out to ensure that the pain is not indicating a dangerous condition such as a tumor, it’s time to manage or even eliminate the pain.

There is no risk in a hypnotherapy pain relief program. You cannot “get stuck” in a state of hypnosis. The worst that would ever happen when you use self hypnosis for pain reduction is that you could fall into a natural sleep state for 20 or 30 minutes- think of all of the nights that discomfort has prevented you from sleeping!

This is not to say that a hypnotherapy pain management system is similar to sleep, because that is the major misconception about hypnosis. When you are asleep, you’re unconscious. If you are not conscious, then you cannot hear anything. If you cannot hear anything, then a hypnotherapist cannot assist you. Hypnosis is actually a state of keen awareness.

Despite being consciously aware of everything, hypnotherapy pain management programs can address both physical and mental causes and introduce many successful avenues to do away with pain. Medications simply block the reception of the physical feeling of pain on a temporary basis, but hypnotherapy pain regimens can actually reduce the amount and strength of pain signals that you perceive. You can literally reprogram your body to distribute less pain-inducing chemicals to your receptors.  This means that you can use fewer pain-killing drugs, or in many cases no drugs at all.

Endorphins are opiate-like compounds that are manufactured in the brain. They are the chemicals that cause athletes to get a high when they workout very hard. Using self hypnosis, you can also discover how to program your brain to create pain-relieving endorphins on demand and then distribute them to the painful body part where they are needed.

Because of endorphins, the brain is capable of inducing analgesia, which is a mild anesthesia, as well as complete anesthesia (numbness). Medical journals are full of reports both in pre-anesthesia days, as well as in modern times, when major surgery has been completed under hypnoanesthesia.

Hypnosis can also be used to program the mind to direct your attention away from pain, which will make you perceive much less discomfort.  Further, hypnotherapy pain management recordings can help our mind realize and understand that the pain is there, but not to let us experience it.  A qualified hypnosis pain relief professional will be familiar with how to fully address additional hypnotic suggestions that will lead to your recovery.

A very effective hypnosis pain remedy comes from Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP. No doubt that after living with chronic pain, you may be doubtful that a hypnotherapy pain program will work. In a lot of cases, NLP techniques actually work far better for modern thinkers than traditional hypnosis does because it was developed for people like you who are taught to analyze and question everything. When we analyze, we tend to construct barriers to the acceptance of post-hypnotic suggestions.

Tense feelings always make us perceive far more pain than we are actually experiencing. One of the most powerful NLP patterns for eliminating stress is known as the “Flash.”  This tool reprograms the unconscious to use mental images that create stress to actually trigger thoughts that cause feelings of relaxation in their place. After you have tried this practice, it will be difficult or impossible to think the thoughts that upset you, because your mind will instantly and automatically exchange them in a Flash for thoughts that relax you instead.

Pain relief and hypnosis go hand in hand. If you are tired of coping with prescriptions that leave you incapable of driving or to fully experience life, or worse, of living with the shooting, stabbing or throbbing pulsations of discomfort, a hypnosis pain elimination program can offer safe, natural and instantaneous relief.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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