Constipation and Hard Water


In recent years, studies have emerged with the idea of pointing to the preceived health benefits affiliated with a irregularity treatment featuring hard water. Learn more about these benefits and the role water plays in relieving & preventing constipation.

Water is a big part of constipation. Constipation, the absence of at least three bowel movements per week, often occurs when the colon, which is an avenue out of the body for waste, absorbs too much water from the bowels. And alongside factors like irritable bowel syndrome, laxative abuse, problems with the colon and rectum, dehydration is one of the major causes of constipation. Increasing the daily intake of fluids, like fruit juices and water, will add moisture to the colon, subsequently making bowel movements easier to pass again. Constipation may be in for more water works. In recent years, studies have emerged with the idea of pointing to the preceived health benefits affiliated with a irregularity treatment featuring hard water.

Constipation and the Role of Hard WaterMineral water contains dissolved minerals, like salt, sulfur and certaing gasses (the good kind). In essence, mineral water is H2O in it’s most natural state- and you can just forget about that bitter pipe water taste. For generations, mineral water only had a home in bath-houses and springs, because of it’s perceived healing power.

Today, you can gulp mineral water down, rather than just use it for swimming around. It can be processed, or taken straight from the source. In either case, water made with minerals can be a magic potion of sorts, featuring lots of therapeutic value.

Characterized by a drying effect on the hair and skin, hard water describes H20 that contains a high concentration of dissolved minerals, like calcium and magnesium in particular. Not only is hard water not detrimental to your health, the buildup of minerals has been medically linked to lowering the risk of heart attack, high blood pressure, and providing potentially alleviating effects on the onset of constipation in the eighty-five percent of homes that have hard water. It is the combination of calcium and magnesium that can be pivotal in preventing constipation-when taken in the right quantities, of course.

Featuring a rich union of calcium and magnesium, hard water combats constipation by promote a clean colon, and a clean colon goes a long way in keeping the body regular. The revolutionizing Oxy-Powder colon cleansing supplement works just like hard water by producing a throughly cleansed clean that sends constipation packing and makes you feel better from the top of your head to the soles of your feet. The calcium relief in hard water kicks in by teaming up with excess bile and it’s resident fats to lather up a soap of sorts-this insoluble substance is emitted for the body during a movement of the bowels. This is the process that goes on to keep the colon clean.

The recommended daily dosage of hard water calcium for constipation relief is one thousand to one thousand five hundred milligrams. You’ll want to take between four hundred milligrams and six hundred milligrams of calcium at a time. In addition to alleviating the remnants of a battle with constipation, calcium can actually be a frequent constipation causer. And that’s where the unique union between calcium and magnesium in hard water proves pivotal. Combining at least five hundred to one thousand milligrams of magnesium with a constipation-curtailing combo of calcium.

While the calcium contained in hard water can be instrumental and giving constipation the old heave ho, some forms of calcium, like calcium in the carbonate form, for instance, will actually impede movement of the bowels. And taking calcium as a citrate can expose the body to antacids featuring aluminum contents. Perhaps the best form of calcium to intake comes in the gluconate, which is the form of calcium found in milk and veggies, aspartate, or orotate. These calcium forms can be asorbed easily for a person with a weakened digestive system.

How Often Should You Drink Hard Water?Dare it be said….how about guzzling down a few glass of mineral water every day. After all, you need water to live, you might as well enjoy the filet mignon of liquid. Your kidneys will thank you for the much needed upgrade from spring and tap to nature’s promise. Practically every nation has it’s own brand of mineral water, most countries have several-unlike some of those other water, you’ll get a lot of variety here. And in terms of taste, hard and soft water have a lot in common.

And many come widely regarded. Take Alegeria, for example. This African nation sells eight brands of mineral water, including: Aman n’Rasrou Batna Ben Haroun El Goléa Ifri Sidi el Kebir Toudja Youkou. Now, that’s just a sprinkling of what some other countries are offering, including the good old US of A, with a whooping 175 brands of mineral water on the market for you daily enjoyment. Of course, some of the most famous mineral water calls the Swiss Alps home-just look at Evian.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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