Coffee: Poison or Health Elixir?

Coffee Poison or Health Elixir

Computers are very complicated, so computer professionalsneed to keep their brain synapses firing rapidly. Toaccomplish this, many computer professionals consume largeamounts of coffee. Studies keep coming out that provecoffee is dangerous to our health. Other studies provethose findings to be false. Is coffee bad for us or not?

Does coffee raise blood pressure?

A 2002 study by John Hopkins University that tracked 1,000former medical students found that heavy coffee drinking isassociated with a small increase in blood pressure, but notenough to increase the risk for hypertension.

Does coffee cause heart attacks?

A 2000 Finnish study that surveyed more than 20,000 Finnishmen and women about their coffee drinking habits andmedical history found no evidence that coffee drinking isconnected to heart disease.

The study did find that coffee drinkers have poorer healthhabits than those who drank no coffee. Those who drankcoffee were more likely to smoke and have greater amountsof body fat.

Those who drank less than one cup of coffee a day were morelikely have back problems, constipation, nausea, gallstones,and congestion, and deaths from heart disease were highestin those who did not drink coffee.

Does coffee cause diabetes?

A 2003 study by researchers at the Harvard School of PublicHealth found that people who drank four to five cups perday reduced their risk of type 2 diabetes by 30 percent.And men who drink six or more cups of coffee per daylowered their risk of type 2 diabetes an additional 20percent. (The additional protection did not appear forWomen).

Does coffee harm your brain?

A 2000 study by researchers in Hawaii that surveyed 8,000men found that those who drank three or more cups of coffeeper day were five times less likely to develop Parkinson’sdisease. Coffee appears to provide strong protection fromParkinson’s disease.

These studies prove that coffee is not bad for us, but infact it provides many health benefits. So computerprofessionals can continue to consume large amounts ofcoffee in order to keep their brain synapses firing. Iwould like to expand further on the health benefits ofcoffee, but it’s time for my coffee break.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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