Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Symptoms


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or the Chronic Fatigue Dysfunction Syndrome is characterized by some symptoms that are often confused to be because of high blood pressure or influenza. The person often feels fatigued for long periods of time, with muscle cramps, severe headache, nausea and other symptoms that are not cured by long rests. Even the fatigue suffered by individuals suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is debilitating and prolonged leading to gradual decrease in the person\’s ability to perform even daily activities due to tiredness.

Unlike influenza or high blood pressure, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome makes the person more tired by the day. The symptoms do not let up without proper treatment for at least some relief if not a total cure. In the event an individual is suffering from all the mentioned symptoms such as acute tiredness that stops from even doing the basic everyday tasks, body pain, nausea, headache, and so on for more than half a year, then it can be safely assumed that the patient is suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and immediate treatment is in order.

Although the mentioned are the acute symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, most individuals might have some additional symptoms also. Some of the symptoms that might indicate Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are muscle, joint pains, restlessness, and tiredness even after long rests. Other frequently observed symptoms of this disease include: constant niggling headaches that are somewhat similar to those of migraine attacks; absentmindedness and irritability; low constant fever unlike that observed during flu; swelling in lymph nodes; sore throat, and others.

Since Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has specific symptoms, it is easier to detect the illness in someone if aware that such an illness exists. As mentioned, no direct action results in this disease. A variety of causes, alone or together might lead to this, sometimes gradually increasing in an individual. Sometimes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome might occur in a body following some other wound or infection or be caused due to even some minor surgery.

There is no permanent cure to this disease. Treatments would lessen the feeling of tiredness to a large extent along with providing relief from all the other symptoms and the patient would be able to continue with the ordinary daily tasks. However, no long term treatment has yet been discovered as a complete cure to this dreadful disease that saps one of strength, leaving the sufferer as weak as a newborn baby.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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