Christmas – Awesome Festive Damage Control With ‘Alkaline’ Water – A Transformational Health Gift!


Christmas is a time of giving and there is no better gift than to give yourself and your family the awesome gift of alkaline water. We know that water sustains all forms of life. We now know that two thirds of our body is water and three quarters of our planet is made up of water! You need to understand that not just any water is good water.

Water Therapy: Our brain is made up of 80% water and 90% of our blood is water. Water has so many benefits for your body such as flushing out toxins, preventing dehydration, reducing fatigue, constipation, and can even reduce kidney stones and heart disease. Water therapy can minimize or reverse certain medical conditions. Having a glass of water 30 minutes before eating helps with digestion of food. It is better to avoid having a glass of water while eating your food although small sips are ok. The reason for this is that water during eating dilutes the acids in the stomach leading to improper digestion of foods. Researchers also tell us that water helps with heart burn, arthritis, hypertension, asthma (decreases the inflammatory process) and even headaches. You can benefit by simply drinking more water.

The best way to start your day is with a glass of water with a twist of lemon in it. This will help with releasing toxins and acids in the body. Know that hunger is often a mistaken signal for thirst. Drinking water decreases hunger pains. So when at a festive function reach for a glass of water when you think you are still hungry and watch those hunger pains simply disappear. This works! Even slight dehydration slows down metabolism this is why drinking more water helps with loosing weight.

We have all experienced afternoon fatigue blues and they become worse when dehydrated. Most people when feeling tired in the afternoon will reach for coffee, soda or tea. These sugary or caffeine drinks will only create more dehydration. Water is what you want to be reaching out for as it will energize, hydrate you and keep your body functions healthier and less prone to health issues!We loose about two and a half litres of water a day. Food supplies us with about 20% of our water intake. While researchers tell us that 8 glasses a day are a good measure for our health, we now know that if you are exercising you need to add an extra 1-2 cups per hour to keep hydrated. If you exert more excessive exercise then add 2-3 cups per hour. If your urine is colorless or has a slight color you are probably drinking enough water.

What type of water is best? We know today that often house-hold water running from the tap may be less than adequate containing contaminates. So what is the best water? This has been a topic of major controversy. Should it be alkaline, distilled, reverse osmosis systems or filtered? Research today appears to conclude that alkaline water is the most beneficial. Alkaline water only has benefits compared to the others which have pros and cons. It even has minerals too!Most people don’t realize that we actually absorb more chlorine through our skin in the shower than by drinking it. Having a shower filter can make a huge difference for the health of our body and can effect topical skin conditions too. There are countless testimonials of softer healthier skin, less rashes etc after a shower filter has been applied.

Most people are acidic in lifestyle. Accumulation of acid waste increases the aging process and conditions related. The goal is to help to dispose of the acid waste build up in our bodies. Alkaline water can even change a depressed mood into a brighter mood according to Japanese doctors.

What You Must Know About Storing Water in Plastic Bottles:

Dangerous toxins can leach from plastic water bottles. Here is what you need to know. This liquid life force called water needs to be stored correctly. Today you can buy various types of water in plastic bottles. However, you need to be aware of the toxins in plastics and the best way to avoid them. When next buying water turn the bottle upside down and you will see a triangle with a number in it. The safest plastics to use are the ones with the number 2, 4 or 5. These plastics are softer. The harder types of plastics can leach toxins into the water from the bottle.

So best practice is to avoid hard clear plastic bottles particularly bottles with the number 1 in the triangle on the bottom as research suggests they leach toxins. In the triangle on the bottom avoid bottles with DEHA (possible cancer causing agent) and DEHP (possibly toxic to reproductive system too). Avoid bottles marked with number 7 on the bottom of hard plastics. Do not re-use clear plastic bottles. Do not use scratched plastic bottles or discolored. Get rid of them as they leach toxins into the water. Stainless steel and glass are the best to use.

So when at the festive dinner or party reach for a glass of water rather than another alcoholic, soda or caffeine drink. You will increase hydration and won’t feel fatigued and end up with a hang-over either! Water has been called the elixir of life and no wonder with its amazing healing powers. Water sustains all forms of life and scientists are still discovering amazing facts about water. With an understanding of water and drinking the right kind of water you will help to give the gift of health and longevity!Recommended great resources: Dr Mercola

Dr. Roopa Chari and Deepak Chari from The Chari Center (

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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