Causes And Remedies Of Back Pain During Pregnancy


Pregnancy is a very crucial time period in the life of a woman. It is a joyous period but at the same time it can become a source of worry and uncertainty. Several changes occur in the body of a woman during pregnancy. Most of these changes have a direct or indirect effect on the spinal cord of the woman, which can later turn in to mild or severe back pain.

Both lumbar and posterior pelvic pain can occur in a woman after pregnancy. Many people believe back pain is a normal phenomenon during and after pregnancy. Wherein it is not. There are certain factors that cause pain in the back of a woman after delivering the baby. They are:

Weight gain: A woman can gain as much as a quarter of weight in her body during pregnancy. This kind of tremendous weight gain stresses the back of the expecting mother.

Change in the center of gravity: The weight that you have gained during pregnancy is carried in the front and the back portion of your trunk. This development leads to the change in the center of gravity in a pregnant woman.

Imbalance in the muscle: With the change in the center of gravity, there also occurs a muscular imbalance in the body. This imbalance in the body creates strain, especially on the back.

Fatigued Muscles: During pregnancy the muscles tend to fatigue soon. This results in poor postures of the body.

Hormonal surges: The hormones produced during pregnancy can create laxity in the pelvis. This hormone surge coupled with a change in the center of gravity gives rise to a decreased joint support.

Apart from these there are several other activities that can increase your back pain at the time of pregnancy. These activities create a pressure or load on the spine with the pelvis and hips. Some of these activities are walking, running, rolling on the bed, twisting, lifting heavy objects, bending forward and climbing stairs.

So to do away with your back pain problem, you need to follow a conservative management program. This conservative management effort should include appropriate exercises and the use of proper medications. All these efforts will promote and support your proper posture.

Apart from this, it is also important for you to pay regular visits to your physical therapist in case of prolonged and severe pain.

Always remember, back pain is common place during pregnancy but it should not be taken as a necessary part of it. Try to make your pregnancy as pleasant as possible. This will facilitate in easier delivery of the baby. So address your back pain as quickly as possible.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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