Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Helps Women in Menopause

Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Helps Women in Menopause

An inspiration and a proprietary method of dosing bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) started out as a “thought experiment.” One California-based author and researcher named T.S. Wiley asked the question, “If hormone replacement was made of real bio-identical hormones and dosed to mimic the ups and downs of the hormone blood levels in a normal menstrual cycle in a 20 year-old woman, would all of the symptoms and disease states of aging decline or even, disappear?” It just might be that it was the rhythm that was always missing from other regimens, she found, to the surprise of many others.

While writing a book for women in the life stage of aging, one California-based reseacher and writer asked an important question. T.S. Wiley asked,”If hormone replacement was made of real bio-identical hormones and dosed to mimic the ups and downs of the hormone blood levels in a normal menstrual cycle in a 20 year-old woman, would all of the symptoms and disease states of aging decline or even, disappear?”

To her surprise, and also many others, it just might be that it was the rhythm that was always missing from other regimens.

Tens of thousands of women are taking her Protocol. Their libido is improved, and they look and feel much better. But there are still many women who are still confused about hormones, in the wake of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Women’s Health Initiative (WHI). Doctors became leery and made it difficult to get hormones. Getting legitimate insurance-covered physicians to prescribe even bio-identical hormone molecules has, for the last twenty-years or so, also been a challenge.

This cannot be said for statically dosed forms of BHRT. What can be said, though, is that the WHI has proven that synthetic hormones are dangerous. The assumption among those using bio-identical hormone regimens is that they are safer. Keep in mind that it could have been the synthetics that may have caused harm not just because they were not bio-identical hormone molecules but because of the way they were statically dosed.

However, Wiley’s new delivery system consists of bio-identical estradiol and progesterone in a topical cream preparation dosed to mimic the natural hormones produced by a body that is around 20 years-old. The creams and their amounts vary throughout the 28 day female cycle, and mimic hormone levels of youth.

“I do not think I would be here today if I did not discover this new protocol. I was severely depressed and went everywhere for help and tried everything and all of my physical symptoms of bleeding for over one year just would not stop. And I felt just like other women that were described in Somers’ book Ageless, going from one doctor to another and getting nowhere. I was ready to commit suicide. If I could take anything on a desert island other than my dog, it would only be my Wiley Protocol hormone creams,” said Marla Mintz.

This is the only BHRT that has been developed under the scrutiny of a practicing Oncologist. Over the last three years a preponderance of anecdotal evidence has been gathered in over a thousand women ages nineteen to ninety that show evidence that this protocol is safe and effective.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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