Benefits of Quitting Smoking

Benefits of Quitting Smoking

Everybody knows by now that smoking is hazardous to your health. It’s associated with a fairly wide ranged of live-threatening conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, lung and throat cancer, depression and emphysema. Not to mention the toll it takes on your physical appearance by staining your teeth a grimy, brownish yellow, making your skin look and feel like leather, and generally ageing you prematurely in almost every way. Not really attractive is it?

In previous years, smoking didn’t have the negative social stigma it does today. In fact, it was popularized on film and screen by entertainment heroes of the day. Can you imagine Humphrey Bogart without his trademark cigarette hanging from his lips? Back then, smoking was seen as a sign of suave sophistication. They just didn’t have the medical technology we have today. Now there are no more excuses. It’s time to quite.

It seems like a new stop-smoking method becomes available everyday. A few brave souls can quit cold turkey, but if you’re no one of them, what are your options? First of all, you should make an appointment with your doctor. He or she will be able to shed some light on what is safe and effective, as well as what you should expect from the process.

Chantix is one of the newest stop smoking sensations available. It doesn’t contain any nicotine like some other methods do. It works by tricking the parts of the brain that are affected by the chemical, making you feel like your nicotine craving has been satisfied. It also blocks some of the brain’s receptors that produce the pleasurable aspects produced by smoking. If you don’t enjoy it as much, why continue, right? Wellbutrin is another drug shown to help people stop. It works by easing some of the withdrawal symptoms people experience and nicotine is flushed from their systems. Not being able to deal with uncomfortable withdrawals is one of the top reasons smokers give up.

If you would rather stay away from chemical options, some people have reported success with hypnosis. A lot of people balk at the notion, but the practice of hypnosis has a long history when it comes to behavior modification. Basically, the patient is put into a trance while hypnotist feeds suggestions into their brains. Theoretically, the person will be more susceptible to the suggestions when that kind of mental state is induced. The jury is still out on its effectiveness. While studies show hypnosis works better than a placebo, it doesn’t consistently work well when used as the only form of treatment. However, when partnered with other methods, it seems to pave the way for better results. You can visit to learn more about smoking cessation.

No matter what you decide to try, your stop smoking method will only be as effective as your resolve to do so. You can be armed to the teeth with all sorts of gum, patches and pills, but if you haven’t firmly made up your mind to quit smoking, any measure of success you have won’t last long.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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