Bedwetting Causes Symptoms Information with Treatment

Bedwetting Causes Symptoms Information with Treatment

Bedwetting often runs in families Most kids who wet the bed have a relative that did it, too. If both parents wet the bed when they were young, it’s very likely that their child will as well. Generally, bed-wetting before age 6 or 7 isn’t cause for concern. At this age, nighttime bladder control simply may not be established. It’s more common among boys thperiod of dryness anan girls. Secondary enuresis is often (though by no means always) caused by emotional stress. If bed-wetting continues, treat the problem with patience and understanding. Bladder training, moisture alarms or medication may help.

Causes of Bedwetting

The common Causes of Bedwetting :

Genetic factors (it tends to run in families)

Urinary tract infections

Abnormalities in the spinal cord

Difficulties waking up from sleep

Abnormalities in the urethral valves in boys or in the ureter in girls or boys

Inability to hold urine for a long time because of small bladder

Hormonal factors (not enough antidiuretic hormone–this hormone reduces the amount of urine made by the kidneys)

Symptoms of Bedwetting

Some Symptoms of Bedwetting :

Wetting during the day .


Frequency, urgency, or burning on urination.

Cloudy or pinkish urine, or blood stains on underpants or pajamas.

Straining, dribbling, or other unusual symptoms with urination .

Soiling, being unable to control bowel movements ( fecal incontinence or encopresis ).

Treatment of Bedwetting

Padding at night to allow normal social interactions – sleepovers etc.

Buzzer alarm and pad systems.

Fluid limitation before bedtime.


Lifting and toileting before the parents go to bed .


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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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