Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment

Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment

There’s no need to despair however as there are many other bacterial vaginosis treatment methods available for you to try, outside of the prescription and medication rounds.

If you’re thinking of doing this however you might want to first consult with your physician to make sure that what you’re suffering from is bacterial vaginosis and not something else.

And if you’re taking medication for any other medial condition, you might want to make sure that any herbal or natural remedy that you’re taking doesn’t react adversely with that.

That said, this particular bacterial vaginosis treatment is very popular and used by many women to help rid themselves of their bacterial vaginosis. This home remedy utilizes the aid of unsweetened yogurt.

There are a few ways to use this, but two of these methods involved are very simple. The first method requires you to literally paint the walls of the vagina with the yogurt, and since this can be a fairly messy affair before and afterwards, you might also want to wear a pad while the yogurt is within you to avoid spillages!

The other method is slightly less messier and involves the use of a tampon. Simply coat the tampon in the unsweetened yogurt and insert into the vagina, replacing every few hours or as needed.

Apart from the use of yogurt as a bacterial vaginosis treatment you also have the option of using garlic as a natural home remedy. Known as your basic wonder-herb, garlic can do just about anything that you need. This remedy is of course, not for the faint nosed.

If you can’t stand the smell of garlic then I suggest you get out of the kitchen, but many swear by this method as a great bacterial vaginosis treatment.

Again there are many ways that you do this but the most popular method involves peeling, and wrapping the garlic clove in a piece of gauze and tying it off with unwaxed dental floss.

You then insert this suppository into your vagina leaving a length of the dental floss dangling to be able to pull it out when you need to. This should be done every few hours or overnight until the infection gets better.

Or you could simply try taking these in pill form. The yogurt is available as lactobacillus acidophilus tablets, and the garlic is also available in tablet or powdered form.

And if you don’t fancy trying out either of these natural remedies you always have the option of turning to other alternative natural remedies. Bacterial vaginosis treatment methods can run the gamut from apple cider vinegar baths to garlic suppositories to yogurt coated tampons.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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