It is possible that people with asthma are more likely to be affected by altitude sickness. But what is altitude sickness? And why should asthma sufferers be more likely to suffer from it? What should you do to avoid an attack at altitude?
One of the most acute collections of symptoms is around breathing difficulties; liquid accumulates in the lungs.
Will altitude affect your asthma?The conditions are high altitudes are often dry and cold, and these conditions tend to worsen or trigger asthma. If your asthma is triggered by cold conditions, you might find that high altitudes are a problem, as the air temperature usually decreases at higher altitudes.
Bear in mid, though, that fit, healthy people with well-controlled asthma should have no problems coping with high altitudes, provided that they go up slowly. Recognise and accept your limitations. Make sure you have all your medicines with you. You may need to adjust your dose, and to plan your intake before, through and after your activity.
But be careful. In freezing conditions, pressurized inhalers may not work properly. They should be warmed (e.g. in the hands) before use.
Take it easyClimbing and skiing can be very strenuous exercise and may trigger exercise-induced asthma in some people.
Some kinds of asthma may be easedIf your asthma is triggered by house-dust mites, you may even find that your asthma improves. Surprised? Why should this be? Simply because the house-dust mite cannot survive at altitudes higher than ‘the snow line’.
Take time to acclimatizePeople with asthma who fly directly into a place that is at high altitude will not have time to acclimatize and may experience problems. So talk to your doctor so that the altitude if you’re flying to a high-altitude destination several weeks before you leave. This will allow you time to work out a personal asthma action plan for the trip.
Your plan might involve increasing your preventer treatment for several weeks before the trip to give the airways extra protection. Or measuring peak flow while away to determine how altitude is affecting your lung function. Or even simple things like ensuring that you have enough medication and backup medication.
Take care when exercisingMake sure you feel right at any particular altitude before going higher. If you start feeling breathless, slow down. Drink plenty of water, and eat small snacks often to prevent altitude sickness. And, do tell your fellow climbers and skiers that you’re asthmatic.
Remember to take everything in stages, talk to your doctor and keep your medicines to hand, and you should have a better time this winter.