Aquasana water filters: Make your life more colorful


Man has always known the importance of pure water. Many civilizations flourished on the banks of great rivers. In Rome, a couple of thousand years ago, polluting water was considered to be one of the biggest crimes.

But with the advent of industrial revolution, pollution started taking its toll on water. In the contemporary world, with rapid industrialization especially the drainage of toxic chemicals into the water has done irreparable damage to human health throughout the world. As you all know that human body consists of about 75% water and the brain about 85% water. Each cell in the body depends upon water in order to function. We need to drink 8 to 10 glass of pure water daily. Poor water drinking habits can trigger fuzzy short term memory, trouble with Math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen. In 37% of us, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger. So it is very clear that our body needs pure water.

To check the menace of water pollution, many water filterscompanies have come up with their water filtration products. Aquasana water filters are the best in the segment and it is the leading water filter product in the USA. The Aquasana AQ-4000 Dual-filter Drinking water system removes chlorine; lead VOCs, THMS, MTBE and over 100 common tap water contaminants and finally leaves in naturally trace minerals. It also removes turbidity and effectively removes more than 99.99% of cryptosporidium and Giardia (chlorine resistant parasites). It provides up to 115 litres an hour of high quality water for drinking, cooking and other beverages. Be assured of receiving new filter cartridges automatically every 9 months at a discount. The other Aquasana water filter products have also made its mark in the market. Aquasana water filter products have been voted Best Buy 2003/2004 by Consumer Digest Magazine. Aquasana water filters are considered to be best in performance, its water is of high quality and to top it all, the customer service is outstanding. All the products come with a lifetime warranty.

With Aquasana water filters, people are expressing themselves with a smile. Behind every smile lies the golden touch ofAquasana water filters.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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