So far, in 2006 alone, there have been over 212,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer diagnosed, as well as over 61,000 cases of non-invasive breast cancer. Over 40,000 women will die from breast cancer in 2006 alone.
What researchers have found is that antioxidants, which are produced naturally by the body, aid in the prevention of breast cancer. Unfortunately, in today’s environment, the antioxidants that our bodies product isn’t enough. Coupled with the fact that as we age, our bodies produce less antioxidant, scientists have looked into other ways that we can detoxify our bodies for the prevention of breast cancer.
In Athens, Greece, at the Athens Medical School, and the Harvard School of Public Health, major studies have been conducted to determine the effect our diets have on the risk of developing breast cancer. Women who ate a lot of fruit cut their risk by 35 percent, and women who ate a lot of vegetables cut their risk by 46 percent.
In Jefferson, Arkansas, researchers at the National Center for Toxicological Research published a study that also found that higher consumption of fruits and vegetables helps to reduce the risk of breast cancer, and also those vegetables that aid in detoxification help to reduce the risk even more.
Of course, these studies just show that ingesting a higher amount of fruit and vegetables and detoxifying the body reduces the risk. There are still other risk factors that one must consider, but when it comes to preventing breast cancer, any reduction of risk is worth the effort.
Green vegetables are natural antioxidants, and the FDA recommends two servings of green vegetables daily. Unfortunately, most of us don’t have the time or the resources to get those two servings, but now, there is an alternative. This is great news for anyone who wants to lower their risk for breast cancer – as well as anyone who hates green vegetables – and many do.
Furthermore, you can get your daily serving of green vegetables that will aid in detoxifying the body in liquid form. Scientists have also found that our bodies absorb liquids better than solids. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t eat solid food – the body needs that as well. It means that when you are trying to ingest your needed vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, you are better off getting them in liquid form, as opposed to pill form.