Anti Aging Advice: Common Sense Is Still The Best

Anti Aging Advice Common Sense Is Still The Best

The best anti-aging advice still comes down to common sense.  And while many aging baby boomers are searching for a pushbutton solution to remain youthful, there is evidence that following common sense guidelines is still the best advice for healthy aging, and promoting longevity.

Of course, there is certainly no shortage of companies and laboratories around the world searching for a fountain of youth pill, to magically transform aging boomers into eternal twenty-something’s. But the research suggests that the most effective anti aging advice is still the time honored traditions.  In this article we will review the most effective steps to promote longevity, while preventing excessive wrinkles.  The following five points are the most important to remain a young and healthy longer:


Research shows that adequate exercise is still the best medicine to live longer and healthier.  Regular exercise has been proven to reduce stress, lowering cortisol levels in the body, and improve circulation.  Exercise also helps maintain an optimum body weight, builds muscle, and has been shown to increase bone density.

Of course any aerobic exercise also strengthens the heart, and can even reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.  But it’s not just the more athletic exercises that are helpful; even stretching and yoga are very beneficial to healthy aging.

Stay out of the sun:

Premature wrinkles are most often caused by excessive exposure to the sun.  Wearing an adequate sun screen, such as an SPF 30, will protect your skin’s elasticity and youthful appearance.  Also, beware of tanning beds, as these have been shown to increase the risk of skin cancer, and of course, will also contribute to premature wrinkles.

Stop smoking:

Smoking is the second most common cause of premature wrinkles.  Tar and other toxins found in cigarettes prevent the body from renewing old skin properly.  If you don’t smoke, don’t start.  If you do smoke, get help and quit today.

Sleep it off:

There’s just no two ways about it; our bodies need time and rest to repair and rejuvenate.  Lack of a restful sleep upsets our metabolism, and researchers suspect it can prematurely bring about many age-related conditions.  A minimum of 6 1/2 hours of sleep every night should be observed.  Additionally, it has been shown that people sleep better when they get to bed at a decent hour.  If you’re used to staying up until three or four, try getting to bed at 11 or 12.  No matter how many hours you sleep, getting to bed earlier can increase the quality of your sleep.

Water, water everywhere:

Drinking a minimum of eight full glasses of water daily is the best way to flush waste out of your system, while keeping your skin hydrated and healthy.  Despite modern scientific advances, good old H2O is still the best internal and external moisturizer for the human body.  A total of 64 fluid ounces of water per day is ideal to stay healthy, and adequately hydrated.

So there you have it.  The best anti aging advice still comes down to time honored common sense such as exercising, getting to bed early, drinking plenty of water, and staying out of the sun.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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