Anti-ageing, any real evidence?


Here are some interesting facts to keep you up-to-date on some anti-ageing agents:

DHEA: (Dehydroepiandrosterone) is a steroid secreted by the adrenal cortex. This hormone
is the precursor for testosterone, progesterone and estrogen. This hormone is found to decline
with age so replacing this hormone could be expected to slow age-related changes. DHEA has
also been shown to be directly related to mortality with an inverse relationship existing
between the levels of DHEA and mortality from heart disease as well as other causes1. Calorie
deprivation (known to prolong ageing, see below) is also known to inhibit the decline of DHEA.
Another important hormone with antiageing properties include HGH (human growth hormone).
Effective HGH hormone sprays are available.

Antioxidants: The theory is that in ageing unrepaired oxidative damage accumulate putting the
organism under increased stress. DNA damage is also reported to be associated with oxidative
stress. Antioxidants protect against cellular damage by mopping up the reactive oxygen species
that cause damage. A recent study2 of elderly subjects found that DNA damage occurred in 45 %
of subjects, with 62% having low total antioxidant levels. Antioxidants include vitamins C, A,
E, and the mineral selenium. Although these agents are effective antioxidants, their beneficial
effects in slowing ageing still remains largely unproven. There is considered stronger evidence
for the roles of these antioxidants in degenerative disease such as atherosclerosis. The area of
antioxidants in ageing is still an active area of research interest.
Tip: not many people know, but there is an effective and convenient test for checking your
Antioxidant status to see if you are adequately protected against the damaging effects of free
radicals. The test involves measurement of lipid peroxides in urine. Lipid peroxides represent
damage caused to fats by free radicals and provide a useful barometer of your antioxidant status.

Peptides: Carnosine: (a peptide) is an antioxidant and free radical scavenger. Carnosine has
been found to extend the life of human skin cells grown in culture. Long lived cells contain
high levels of carnosine. The anti-ageing properties has been more recently linked, not so
much with its antioxidant properties, but with its ability to protect against undesirable protein
glycation and cross linking to normal macromolecules3.

Herbs: Garlic: a study4 in 1994 found garlic enhanced the long term growth ability of human
skin cells to survive in culture. The researchers also found that garlic inhibited the growth of
cancer cells in culture, providing the first apparent evidence of both anti-ageing and anti-
cancer effects of garlic.

Calorie Restriction: this has long been known to result in the slowing or retardation of the
ageing process. It has been confirmed in a number of studies with animals which have been
shown to live longer when their dietary intakes were restricted. Calorie restriction without
malnutrition is the only known manipulation which has been convincingly demonstrated to
retard ageing in mammals.

Dr. Keith Chung,PhD

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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