Alternative Treatment: Homeopathy And Ayurveda For Blood Pressure


Many of the alternative treatments from Homeopathy and Ayurveda have become popular with patients as well as medical practitioners.

Homeopathy has recently gained much demand and popularity in the field of alternative treatment for lowering down blood pressure. A homeopathic treatment predominantly involves the use of certain extracts from the plants and herbs. These extracts are generally in the form of minerals that plants carry.

A good homeopathy session starts with the examination of all the symptoms present in a patients body. Unless a good diagnosis is not performed, the patient is not recommended any of the homeopathic medicine. These medicines are available in a formulated tincture. These tinctures should not be taken without the recommendation of a good homeopathic doctor, as large dosage can lead to reverse side effects. Some of the commonly used tinctures for lowering blood pressure are Argentum nitricum, Nux vomica, Belladonna, Sanguinaria, to name a few.

Besides this, another effective alternate treatment for lowering blood pressure is the use of Ayurvedic medicines. This is one of the most ancient of all the treatments. This treatment works keeping in mind certain principles. It separates the symptoms of high blood pressure into three categories that are termed as Doshas. Thus the different types of Doshas are treated with the help of a combination of several herbs.

For instance, Ayurveda has categorized a type of blood pressure as Pita. This type of high blood pressure can be treated effectively with the help of the drugs Aloe and Gotu Kola. Another type of high blood pressure, Vata can be cured with the help of garlic extracts and the herb Valerian.

Besides, the administration of herbal medicines, an Ayurvedic treatment includes two more things. They are: a regular and effective exercising regime coupled with a good diet plan.

But there is a note of caution here. You should always administer to an Ayurvedic treatment under the guidance of a qualified Ayurvedic doctor only. The reason being that high dosage of any Ayurvedic medicine can be harmful for your body and produce unnecessary harmful effects. Besides there are certain drugs that despite lowering blood pressure, can give you visible side effects. For instance, Licorice induces water retention in the body parts if not administered properly. Other herbs like rosemary and ephedra, in spite of reducing blood pressure, increases it. Therefore, care should be taken while keeping your hand on any one particular drug.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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