Adopt Natural Ways To Treat Your Acne


If you don’t wish to invite more diseases in the process of treating your acne, go for natural treatments and remedies. They are good on many counts. They are cheap and effective. They do their job silently. With natural treatments, there is no psychological fear attached which normally exists with other treatment options such as injections and antibiotics. Natural acne treatment is the best, viewed from any angle.

Over the counter natural medications are also available in plenty these days. Mostly they are the plant extracts. They fight the bacteria and subdue the pimples by tackling the inflammation. The contents of ingredients of most of these products are the same. They contain vitamin E.

Tea tree oil for the treatment of acne is known for centuries. It is very effective. If you like the oral medicine, mix the herbal extracts of burdock, yellow dock, cleavers and sarsaparilla. Take half teaspoon of this mix, three times a day.

Now, come to the diet part of it. Eat plenty of fruits, seasonal vegetables and whole grains. Drink ten glasses of water daily. Avoid refined sugar and fried foods.

Stress is said to be the cause of acne. If not the cause, it is certainly the promotional agent. Avoid it in the most natural way by doing yoga, exercises, and breathing exercises. Body massage and meditation are also beneficial for this. Massage helps blood circulation and many of the skin problems, including acne get benefit out of this method.

Before you buy any skin related product, firstly apply your mind, why you should not buy it. Don’t go by advertisements, and other sales gimmicks. Carefully check the packaging for the expiry date and the inscription, non-comedogenic.

Don’t treat your face like the construction site. You need not have a heavy foundation. It may be quite irritating. And anything that is irritating is harmful to the skin also. Do give proper consideration to the existence of pimples. Don’t prick or squeeze them. They have come to stay, but not for ever. Let them depart on a happy note and you don’t be the cause of their extended stay on your face. The excessive and wrong medication could become responsible factor for their longer stay.

Your unhealthy skin is due to what is going on within your body. Flush out the intoxicants within your body, by taking lots of fruits and fibrous diet. The seasonal fruits are nature-given remedies. Therefore, they need to be treated like food plus medicines.

Avoid junk food at all costs. Eating them is sheer waste of money. They have no calorie value as such and digesting such food is done on a hard note.

Your food is your grave, said the famous author Bernard Shaw. Your food is your acne as well!

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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