Acne In Pregnancy: How To Deal With Skin Breakout During Pregnancy?


And thus a number of pregnant women also face the problem of acne. So lets find out the different aspects of acne trouble during pregnancy and how to deal with it.

Acne during pregnancy: understand the forthcoming trouble

The occurrence of acne is most seen during the initial three months of pregnancy because it is during this time that a steep rise in hormone level occurs. If pregnancy is on your mind, it is advisable to discuss the treatment for the forthcoming acne problem with your doctor.

Is there a medication for pregnancy acne?

The medications that are normally prescribed for acne could be harmful to the baby, which is why acne products are generally not prescribed during the pregnancy.

The only antibiotic that is considered safe during pregnancy is Erythromycin. However, there is a problem with Erythromycin as well. It may not be as effective as the other antibiotics as many skin bacteria have developed resistance to it. So, it is better that all kinds of medication are avoided during pregnancy. And only the natural remedies to acne are used.

Natural remedies are the best to fight acne in pregnancy

One should wash face with clean water as often as one could, and may use tea tree oil seen for blemishes and spots. Do not use chemical based face wash. Get a natural one instead.

If you suffer from blackheads and have oily skin with blocked pores, you can use clay masks.

Above all, start drinking plenty of water. The best way to do it is to drink a couple of glasses of water in morning after leaving bed, and a couple before going to bed. Bring it into your routine because nothing does detoxification better than water.

Also eat lots of fruits and vegetables. They not only clean and detoxify but also keep the digestive system in good order. Avoid fatty foods and fast food as much as you can because the oil and spice that these foods have can worsen your acne, besides they are not healthy for the unborn baby.

Healthy eating habits go a long way in giving one a life free of acne. Moreover, healthy eating also gives the unborn baby ample nourishment.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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