Acne cleanser, acne lotion and more – a quick look at common acne products


This blockage traps sebum and causes inflammation of the skin.  A bacterium P.Acnes readily infects this inflammation causing acne.  There are many common acne products available in the market for acne treatment.

Acne cleansers are facial care products designed to remove dead cells, open up pores, remove oil, dust, dirt and other harmful pollutants. Generally acne cleansers are used twice or thrice daily and in conjunction with skin toners and moisturizers.  Acne cleansers work better than ordinary soap because soap has a very high pH value which can change the pH balance of the skin. The method to use acne cleansers is to use luke warm water to clean the face then apply acne cleanser all over the face and throat. Next it is to be washed with luke warm water and then patted dry.

Acne lotions are oil and water emulsions designed to be applied on unbroken skin. Acne lotions are usually medicated with acne medicines like, antibacterials, skin exfoliants, retinoids or antibiotics. Acne lotions may contain soothing or protective ingredients also. Acne lotions have the advantage over creams or ointments as they can be applied thinly over a large area and hence can be economical.

Acne creams are semi solid emulsions. Creams can be used as a barrier for protection, as a delivery vehicle for anti acne agents and to retain moisture in the skin. Acne cream ingredients may include anti acne agents, moisturizers, skin exfoliants etc

Acne soaps are mild soaps used to open up the pores and remove oil in excessively oily skins.

All the above products if used in conjunction with acne dietary supplements like acuzine produce good results. Acuzine consists anti-oxidants, vitamins E & C, hydrolyzed collagen, ALA , DMAE, Aloe vera, Bioperine etc. The presence of these ingredients helps in early recovery of the skin and provides vital vitamins and enzymes for rebuilding the skin.  Acuzine is available in the form of capsules.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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