Acne And Exercise: How Are The Two Related?


One is told to exercise by almost everyone and for nearly all of their problems. If you have a back pain, exercise. If you are depressed, exercise. If you have the tendency to get angry easily, exercise. For every other physical, psychological or emotional problem, there is one common prescription- exercise.

Well, if you are already fed up of taking the advice to exercise, I would suggest you brace up and actually begin exercising because if acne is your problem, exercise is a viable solution.

Some people find it difficult to see the connection, but it is quite easy. Vigorous physical activity increases the blood flow to the skin. As a result, the oxygen that reaches the skin cells also increases and makes the cells healthier. Besides, exercising makes you sweat, which cleans the pores by washing the dirt away. This improves the health of the skin and reduces acne problem to a large extent.

Internal organs also start functioning better and your cardio-vascular fitness improves. Your kidneys, liver and bowel start working better. This means that your body would be able to get rid of the toxins more quickly and more effectively. Besides, hormonal imbalance is corrected and stress is also reduced. These are well known causes of acne.

Good oxygen supply to the organs and skin, efficient toxin ejection, balanced hormones and reduced stress could do magical wonders to your acne problem. And not just that, you would also have a better overall health.

So far as the choice of exercise is concerned, it is up to you. You need not join a gym or a boxing club. If you like running, do it. Swimming, too, is good. And if you enjoy a particular outdoor sport you can also start playing it on regular basis. All you have to do is that you play it well and hard so that your body gets ample exercise. Keep it regular and do not get into the habit of on and off playing because that would not do much of good to you.

An important thing that you must bear in mind is that you should shower immediately after exercising so that the sweat and dirt are washed away quick and do not settle on your skin again. It is important for those who suffer from acne on chest and back.

Exercising not only makes one healthy but also makes one feel nice about oneself. So, there are a number of benefits attached to exercising. Go for it.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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