About Goji: Information About the Miracle Fruit


If you’re curious about goji, you don’t have to travel all the way to Tokyo to find information on it. Goji is a fruit that is packed full of nutrients and will benefit you in many ways.

The only way to find out the truth about goji is to hear or read a testimonial about it from a dynamic health practitioner who has been actively consuming this wondrous berry. All the information you could possibly seek about goji is here in one convenient location for you.

What is Goji?

Goji is an Asian berry that originated deep within the Himalayas. Its original discovery, around 800 AD, is attributed to monks who drank from a well that goji berries had fallen into. Allegedly, all of the monks who drank from that well, lived exceptionally long and healthy lives. From then on, people from this area had learned that by consuming the goji berry, they too could live much longer than normally expected.

The reason people from this time period lived so long from the goji berry was because it has so many nutrients in a very high concentration; much like mangosteen and Noni. Among these nutrients are nineteen amino acids, vitamins C and E, and essential fatty acids. The most important nutrients, however, are the unique polysaccharides found in the goji berry that can fight cancer, diabetes, sexual dysfunction, high cholesterol, and many more ailments faced by humankind. It is for these reasons that goji is considered by many to be a miracle fruit.

Most People are Unaware of Goji

Goji does not have strong support or usage in the United States and Europe. This is because western civilization just recently learned about the fruit and its benefits. It is not common for people west of Central Asia to grow or consume the goji plant. Fortunately, as awareness increases, the availability and usage of goji berries will increase as well.

Using Goji

Goji can be used in a variety of ways. One popular way of consuming goji is to squeeze the berries for their juice and cook them into cacao beans, making goji beans. Because it is difficult to get goji berries in America, you will probably have to consider other options. One of the most popular options is to take nutritional supplements that contain goji extract. By using an extract, you get a more condensed, higher concentration form of goji than you would get by simply eating the berries.

Another popular form of goji is goji powder, formed by crushing dehydrated goji berries. This can be used to make tea or it can be cooked into a wide assortment of foods. Finally, you can also purchase goji juice. This juice is generally 100% pure and can be stored for up to two years, unopened, before it spoils. The benefit of goji juice is that you can drink it with your favorite meal, allowing you all of the benefits of the fruit without having to make changes to your normal dietary habits.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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