A New Found Advantage Between Apples, Fish And Pregnancy

A New Found Advantage Between Apples, Fish And Pregnancy

A study conducted by the University of Aberdeen, presented recently at an American Thoracic Society conference, examined 2,000 expecting mothers about their diet, and then tracked their child’s health for the following five years.

The studied revealed that mothers who ate four or more servings of apples per week were about 50% less likely to have asthma compared to children of mothers that had one apple or less.

The research also discovered a relationship between pregnant women that consumed fish and a lower risk of eczema for their children. Eczema is an allergic skin disease.

They found eating at least one serving of fish per week during pregnancy cut the child’s chances of developing eczema in half.

The researchers were not sure on the exact mechanism by which apples and fish may have had their beneficial results. It is possible that the valuable outcome may come from the antioxidants found in apples, and the omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish.

Asthma UK, which funded the study, has previously discovered associations between vitamin consumption during pregnancy and lowered chances of asthma.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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