Vaginal warts are transmitted through sexual contact. There are at least one hundred different types of HPV and thirty of them are transmitted sexually.
Once again, the human pappilloma virus (HPV) rears its ugly head. This time transmitted through sexual contact, it has landed and taken up residence in a woman’s vagina. And knowing that it is the most common virus in existence, knowing that there are 50 million people infected with HPV, doesn’t help. There is a degree of shame and humiliation once it is recognized that forces a lot of people to not see a doctor and makes others feel odd about sex. There are at least one hundred different types of HPV and thirty of them are transmitted sexually.
With that many HPV bugs flying around and with a sexually active population, it’s a wonder the entire world isn’t infected by now. Fortunately, there are a variety of medicines and herbal solutions for this embarrassing problem that are specially formulated for women and that work fairly well to kill the virus and stop the infection from spreading. One treatment technique attacks the wart itself with alkaloids. This has the effect of alerting the body’s auto immune system that something is wrong. It then sends out armies of white blood cells to remove the intruder and in the process, it rids itself of the HPV virus and the wart it has produced.
Like all other HPV infections, the virus remains in the host’s body. However, now that your body knows it’s there, proper maintenance, boosting the immune system and frequent washing of the affected area can keep repeated attacks to a minimum.
Other treatments for vaginal warts include the use of acids, dry ice, freezing, burning or laser treatments and surgical removal. While these are mostly effective in removing the offending tissue, they do almost nothing to eliminate future outbreaks and they are costly and can be quite painful. There are a variety of treatments that should be discussed with your doctor so that you may decide which one is the best for you.