Your food is your grave, said the famous dramatist and author Bernard Shaw. He was a strict vegetarian too. My stomach is not the graveyard to bury the dead animals, he said of the non-vegetarian food.
Well, I would not like to touch upon his second statement in this article and concentrate on the topic of the good diet for you, that is, the balanced diet. If you take good food, you will have a healthy body and a glowing skin. If you take wrong food, the impurity will erupt out of the skin in the form of acne.
Have you watched the birds and animals? They have a fixed time to eat and a fixed time to rest. You can’t make your most faithful dog, eat against its wishes. It may obey any other command of the master, but as for its eating, it has its own rules and regulations.
And we, the human beings- the so called, rational beings; hailed as the crown of Creation; most affectionate children of God! We are prepared to eat anything at any time.
Have you ever realized that there are some more partners in your food intake company, apart from those taste buds dancing on the tongue? Have you ever thought about the quality of food you partake? Do you even know that high cholesterol level leads to hardening of arteries, which could result in heart disease or heart attack?
Your intake of food and drink needs to be healthy. Take sugar in moderate quantity, and get your cholesterol checked at periodical levels. If it crosses 200, consult your doctor immediately. And take note- you alone are responsible for your present physical condition!
Fat in your body is measured by a method called Body Mass Index (BMI). For a woman who is physically fit, it should be around 21% to 31%. If she is fit like a model, it could be as low as 10%. For men, it should be between 14% to 25% levels. For an athlete body, it could be again as low as 2%.
Remember, most of the diseases are invited by you. Diseases do not come by themselves, unless you create conditions for their comfortable existence in your body by your wrong living. Wrong diet is believed to be the cause of acne attack as well. Fruit juice is certainly good for the glow of your skin. Acne just wants an excuse to make your skin its abode for a fairly long period.
The golden rule of good diet is to avoid all types of junk food. Take seasonal fruits and vegetables. Prefer vegetables full of fiber. Nature gives appropriate things at the appropriate seasons. Follow it. Don’t confront it. Avoid artificially flavored food and drinks.