7 Prostate Symptoms Which You Should Watch For

7 Prostate Symptoms Which You Should Watch For

The vast majority of men will develop prostate problems of some description as they get older, with the first signs of trouble appearing for a few men at about the age of 50, or possibly slightly earlier. By the age of 60 about half of all men will be experiencing prostate symptoms and this figure will have increased to about ninety percent by the age of 80.

For most men prostate symptoms will be fairly mild and, because most of us begin to develop a range of medical problems at this point in our lives, it is not uncommon for men to simply ignore prostate symptoms as nothing more than a normal part ageing. As many prostate problems are not serious, and the symptoms can often be very mild, this is not necessarily a problem and you can live with many prostate problems quite happily and without them doing you any real harm.

However, not all prostate problems are harmless and if your particular prostate problem happens to be prostate cancer and you ignore it then it could quite easily start to spread and eventually kill you. Indeed, ignoring prostate symptoms is the main reason why prostate cancer represents the second highest cause of cancer death the United States.

There are many different symptoms which might point to a developing prostate problem and one difficulty we have in recognizing the cause of these symptoms is that they are often symptoms which could arise for many different reasons. However, if symptoms are not being caused by prostate problems then they will often to be short lived (stemming from a bacterial infection for example) and will disappear in a matter of days without the need for treatment. However, where symptoms stay with you, or appear on a regular basis, then there it is likely that they are being caused by a problem with the prostate gland.

Common symptoms include:

  • Difficulty beginning urination and the need to strain in order to start urination.
  • A loss of strength in the flow of urine.
  • A flow of urine which tends to stop and start.
  • A feeling that you need to urinate even after you’ve just been to the bathroom.
  • A need to visit the bathroom urgently and problems in ‘waiting’.
  • The need to visit the bathroom more frequently and, in particular, to get up to visit the bathroom during the night.
  • A tendency to dribble urine for a while after you have finished in the bathroom.

These symptoms indicate that prostate problems may be developing and although, in most cases, such problems will not be serious this is not always the case.

Accordingly, as soon as these symptoms appear, you should consult your doctor who will be able to tell you exactly what the problem is and how to treat it. More importantly, if the problem does turn out to be prostate cancer, he can recommend treatment while the problem is in its early stages and can be relatively easily treated and, hopefully, eliminated altogether.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

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