6 Do not Drop While You Shop Holiday Survival Techniques


The holidays are supposed to be fun-filled events that create long-lasting memories but if you’re too tired to care, why not fortify your energy reserves with a potent vitamin combination of Vitamin C and potassium.

1.)  Get out of those tight fitting shoes

Shopping long hours requires comfortable shoes.  When your feet hurt, the pain shows on your face making you look tired, irritable and maybe frumpy.  Keep low-heeled comfortable shoes in your car and wear them when you’re dashing around the mall looking for that hard-to-find compote Aunt Helen requested.

2.)  Recharge your energy levels

The holidays are supposed to be fun-filled events that create long-lasting memories but if you’re too tired to care, why not fortify your energy reserves with a potent vitamin combination of Vitamin C and potassium.  Grab a glass of orange juice and a banana before you head out and feel positively super-charged for hours.

3.)  Stop thinking sugar

Sugary foods will sap your facial beauty causing you to look withdrawn and gray.  Cookies, cakes and candy are in plentiful supply every holiday season and if you give in to these temptations, not only will unwanted pounds linger on your hips, you may not look as sensational in that expensive dress you splurged on months ago.

4.)  Grab your mate instead of your plate

Marathon parties equal too many calories and rather than chowing down at every event, grab your sweetie and get away from the food.  Hit the dance floor, engage others in conversation, or try a sing-along; any activity that will keep your fingers out of the food will keep your figure in check come January 2nd.

5.)  Not another glass of holiday cheer!

Overindulging in adult beverages can really pack on the pounds not to mention when you look in the mirror, your face spells d-i-s-a-s-t-e-r.  A whirlwind round of parties can make your face puffy and older looking so a good rule of thumb this holiday season:  For every glass of wine, drink two glasses of water to flush out those simple carbs.

6.)  Keep up your exercise routine

Madly dashing around the mall may add steps to your pedometer but are you slacking off much needed cardio and resistance training that positively shapes your hips, tummy, waist and thighs?  And, what about facial exercises that keep your double chin and hooded eyes from showing?  By exercising from head to toe, you won’t have to add “Start an exercise routine” to your New Year’s Resolutions.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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