Yoga And Meditation: A Healthy Combo For Healthy Life


Different yoga practices don’t offer you separate solutions instead yoga works well when all its integral parts are practiced simultaneously in an orderly manner. This is the way yoga offers holistic health improvement.

Yoga for most of the people happens to be a great source of keeping themselves fit with its incredible body postures called asana. However these asanas are only a small part of the yoga. This ancient practice of yoga boasts of its origin from ancient Vedic testaments. We tend to limit the scope of yoga by considering it a mere collection of exercises. But Vedic testaments say that it was originally meant to serve much greater purpose of unifying human souls with eternal power or God. And yoga meditation happens to be the only way of elevating your spirit so that you could unify yourself with Almighty. Your soul’s unification with Almighty brings eternal peace and tranquility to you.

If you are not performing meditation instructions of yoga along with your daily asana practice, you are likely to not get much of the yoga benefits. Different yoga practices don’t offer you separate solutions instead yoga works well when all its integral parts are practiced simultaneously in an orderly manner. This is the way yoga offers holistic health improvement. That’s why meditation must be incorporated in your yoga routine, it works as a stress buster and brings in mental rejuvenation.

Yoga offers various ways of meditation that could be performed with other yoga practice. More higher forms of yoga such as kudnalini Yoga and Raja Yoga are said to offer complex medication practices but once you get accustomed to these practices you would achieve a higher state of mind and soul. Hot yoga offers you to perform meditation in a hot or high temperature ambiance that helps you disassociate yourself from the outside world. This practice helps enhance your mental productivity.

In today’s fast moving world every one tries to improve his/her performance to keep up the pace with changes and in turn gets grappled with stress. Some of us simply perish due to our ignorance towards stress management techniques. In such a situation yoga meditation proves of immense help in stress management.

Even for weight shedding it’s not only the yoga exercise or postures but meditation and breathing techniques that combine together to give desired level of fat burning. Meditation relevance with yoga postures lies in the fact that you can’t remain physically fit if your mind remains unfit.

So there is no denying from the fact that by taking out meditation from Yoga you are simply defying the very essence of Yoga.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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