I’ve got some great news and some not so great news for you.
Which one would you like first? Ok, ok, I’ll give you the not so great news first………..
Here it is……
***YOU must take control of your health and fitness lifestyle.***
Not so bad, huh?
But it’s true.
Ultimately, no one else is going to look after you, baby you, and remind you to eat your fruit and go through your daily exercise workout.
You must hold yourself accountable for your own health. Not your spouse, family, or (gasp!!!) even your doctor. Because your doctor probably doesn’t care. Blasphemy, I know.
Heck, your doctor sees so many patients everyday (while worrying about your insurance benefits, are they going to get paid? etc.), they probably don’t even remember you coming in for a visit.
Nothing wrong with doctors, per se, …they just don’t have the time to watch over you like a hawk.
In fact, nobody else does, either. “So what’s the GREAT news, Chris?” Ok, ok, I’m ready to tell you. Are you ready to hear it?
***YOU must take control of your health and fitness lifestyle.***
But, but, but……..
That’s the same as my not so great news, right? I knew you were smart, lol. And you are right, because your greatest strength is also your greatest weakness, unfortunately.
You must eat differently.
You must exercise.
You must shun away all the negative influences that will TRY and pull you down to their level (And believe me, it WILL happen)
You must CARE about your health.
You must have RESPECT for yourself.
As well as a host of other things.
I put a portion of this message to you in ALL CAPS to stress to you that these items are VERY IMPORTANT, not necessarily to “shout” at you (although if it works………lol).
When you know dang well, that you need to get up in the morning, exercise, eat a HEALTHY breakfast, etc. etc. etc., are you going to DO IT……..or are you going to let someone talk you out of it?
Which one will it be?
“You don’t need to exercise”
“That’s just a waste of time.”
“It doesn’t matter, you can eat those potato chips”
“I do it all the time, and I’m fine.”
YOU WILL HEAR THESE THINGS from some people.
Heck they may even be your “friends”. Or even your family. Unfortunately (and sadly I might add), it’s true. People will try and bring you down. It’s inevitable. By the way, it’s only because they’re jealous, depressed, and weak-minded.
They WISH they could be like you. Independent, strong, and willing to tackle a situation head-on to find a solution. So, before I leave, let me ask you one more time…
Are you going to take control of your health, right now?
Are you going to be strong?
Are you going to listen to that little voice inside of you that is YEARNING for help?
Great, I knew you would. You can and will do great things……..let me help you achieve all of your goals. It’s time to take your life back.
Chris Callegari, founder of [http://www.fitnesswithchris.com] is unleashing his real-world exercise, fitness, nutrition, and healthy eating tips to the world, to help support lifestyle changes for any and everyone.