Most people hate exercising. The effort required, the time spent, the sweat, the soreness… but then again, who told you that it was going to be easy? Do you remember your first day at the gym? What did it take you to finally get your ass off the sofa and exercise?
Years ago, I myself absolutely hated exercise. I never liked anything that resembled any form of exercise or taking part in any sort of physical activity (in fact, I still don’t enjoy it 100%, but the results and overall well-being feeling I get from exercising makes it too good for me to resist). The countless benefits – the strength, an improved physique, confidence, increased energy levels and concentration, better sleep – are all too good for me to turn away.
Here are some common excuses we hear today from those who find it difficult to get started:
Arrgh! I hate exercise.
dailymuscle says: The only reason you hate exercise is because you’ve probably never seen or experienced the benefits it can bring. Perhaps you hate the activities you’ve done in the past? Does the word ‘exercise’ remind you of the heart-pounding routines you were forced to keep up to in school? The compulsory cross-country marathons we were forced to participate in? High-impact exercises aren’t for everyone but there’s surely some sort of physical activity that would appeal to you. How about swimming? Salsa classes perhaps? Also, many gyms today have fun and exciting classes which can cater to almost any exercise fetish you may have. Try some of them (most gyms today give free trials, Like Fitness First) – you might just get hooked in no time!
Okay, but I don’t like gyms..
dailymuscle says: If you find the fancy/upmarket gyms today too crowded and overwhelming, or perhaps your local neighborhood gym a bit too intimidating (and I don’t blame you if you feel this way), then the answer is simple – just don’t go. To get started, there are plenty of other places to exercise at or even activities you can get started in. For example, your home and the great outdoors. Consider walking – an easy exercise that can go a long way towards good health. A 30 minute walk, 3 times a week around your housing area is a fantastic start.
It’s just too hard. Is there an easier way out?
dailymuscle says: Nobody said it would be easy. From experience, I can tell you this – the hardest part is at the beginning. If you can stick with exercise for that crucial first month, you’ll start to reap benefits – like increased energy and improved mood, and that will motivate you to keep going.
But I’m so out of shape, embarrassed, and I don’t know where to start.
dailymuscle says: Start slowly.. this avoids being overwhelmed. Try short walks a few times a week at first, and then move on to activities that are more challenging. If you’re really clueless and need a helping hand, most gyms today have Personal Trainers that can assist you, but they come at a cost. I believe Fitness First gives 2 complimentary Personal Training sessions when you join. Not too sure about the other fancy gyms out there. If you join a smaller, neighborhood gym – these gyms often have someone in charge who will be able to give you advice and help for free (these gyms are much cheaper too).
I’m too tired to get off the sofa.. and American Idol starts in 10 minutes!
dailymuscle says: And that’s precisely why you should… exercise helps boost your energy! Oh… and most gyms today have TVs so you dont have to miss your favourite show.
Buying all those protein powders, supplements is so darn expensive!
dailymuscle says: You don’t need supplements to start exercising. People who do supplement their diets with various supplements have specific goals they wish to achieve (build more lean muscle, bulk up, etc). Most people do perfectly fine with a healthy and balanced diet that includes sufficient nutrients from all the food groups.
After all, they do say that pain is weakness leaving the body…
Are you ready to feel some pain?
Josh Stone, also known as DM, is the author behind the site which offers the author’s personal views on real-life fitness, bodybuilding, sports nutrition, cardio, fat loss, training information, and on all things that surrounds fitness.