Take a Break

Take a Break

Writing is a strenuous creative activity, and like physical activity it produces fatigue that requires rejuvenation and renewal, so when the mind is blocked, it is time to rest it. Many writers call this ‘writer’s block’ but others claim that no such state exists.

One remedy of mental fatigue is physical activity. Most consider this to be participation in some competitive sport, but that is not necessary. Any physical activity will suffice: gardening, calisthenics, aerobics, swimming, skating, skiing, and most of all walking. Probably walking is the best physical activity for most people because it avoids injury, muscle soreness, and the purchase of elaborate equipment.

Physical activity rests the mind from the creative process of writing, at least of the mental process of placing words, ideas, and topics on the screen or paper. It frees the mind from the stress of thought that is a real tension and allows the imagination to escalate. Often, during these periods of physical activity inspiration flourishes with an epiphany effect; a writing problem is solved, a new market is realized, or a new project evolves.

So if you hate sports, take up walking, the best exercise, and one that the body is equipped to do. Unlike running, it does not jar the joints, it does not accumulate uric acid in the muscles, but it does develop the lungs and heart.

Try it, and you will see that the creative process is enhanced and developed by this break from writing.

Charles O. Goulet had a BA in history and a BEd in English literature. He has written several novels that are available from Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, Barnes and Noble, and many other bookstores. His website is: http://www.telusplanet.net/public/go1c His blog site is:http://www.go1c.blogspot.com

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