The magic of Tai Chi is found in the unique combination of movement, breathing and meditation.
MOVEMENTBecause Tai Chi involves all the major muscle groups, it improves agility, strength, flexibility, stamina, muscle tone and coordination. According to a 1996 National Institute on Aging study, Tai Chi’s attention to balance can increase body awareness, reducing the incidence of falls up to 50 percent in elderly patients. One of every three adults 65 years or older falls each year, often with devastating results. Hip fractures are the seventh leading cause of death among older adults. If this could be reduced even by 10 percent, we would save over $1 billion a year, not to mention the pain and suffering of the patients and their families.
The postures of Tai Chi teach you how to move your body correctly, which helps you become conscious of your physical presence. So along with better balance, seniors are also less likely to lose mobility. Tai Chi rotates all the joints in the body, releasing any blocked energy, which could contribute to the aging process. It also stimulates the liquid systems of the body to keep joints and other tissues more supple, increase range of motion and reduce any symptoms of arthritis. The many movements performed by turning from the waist work as an internal massage. By stimulating the abdomen, these movements aid digestion and help relieve constipation and gastrointestinal conditions.
BREATHINGThe deep breathing of Tai Chi regulates the respiratory system, helping to treat ailments such as asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema. Exhaling toxins from the lungs while inhaling fresh air increases lung capacity, stretches the muscles involved in breathing and releases tension. Symbolically, the exhaling and inhaling reminds you to let go of that which is no longer serving you and allow new abundance to enter your life.
MEDITATIONResearch shows that taking time to slow down the mind and body is not only calming, but also enhances mental acuity and focus, reduces anxiety, and lowers blood pressure and heart rate. Tai Chi’s meditative nature is also beneficial forthe immune system and the central nervous system, which makes it especially good for people with a chronic illness, depression or any stress-related conditions. The quiet mindfulness of Tai Chi teaches you how to listen to your body, which helps you become aware of problems before they become acute. This same mindfulness can permeate all other aspects of your life, helping you find gratitude in each moment.
Carolyn Cooper is a certified fitness professional and Energy Intuitive. She is also founder of Tai Chi Flow, Inc., which has produced a series of videos (www.TaiChiFlow.com) including Tai Chi Flow for Kids, Tai Chi Flow for Pregnancy (featured in Fit Pregnancy Magazine) and Tai Chi Flow for Everybody. Cooper also publishes an e-newsletter called “Living in the Flow” and was a contributing author of the book 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Health.