Mountain biking is not all about the extreme, white knuckle shenanigans you see on TV. There is a sector of the mountain biking community who love a good climb, a good view, and meeting new riders. Even if you have never ridden a mountain bike before there is probably a trail near you that is perfect for your level of riding. Trails range anywhere from rugged single track, to fire roads, to old railroad beds. Mountain biking is a great way to meet new people, gain a new skill, enjoy the outdoors, get in shape, and lose weight.
Step number 1. Go to your local bike shop and let them know you are interested in beginning mountain biking. See if you can arrange a bike rental and ask them if they can put you in touch with a local club that caters to new riders. Once you come in contact with someone from the club – be clear to them about your level of fitness and riding skills. Most clubs have a “no rider dropped” policy but you certainly don’t want to go out with extreme riders just yet. Enjoy your first ride and quit before you want to quit. You don’t want to overdo it on your first ride.
Step number 2. Get to know the folks at your local bike shop and they will put you on the bike that is right for you. Plan on purchasing a bike, helmet, water bottles, some clothing, and possibly a bike rack for your vehicle. The cost of all of this is minimal compared to the hours of enjoyment, scenic views, and fitness you will gain.
Step number 3. Get active in your mountain bike club. Start networking with other riders and find out when the club rides are. There may be a weekly ride that fits perfectly with your schedule or you may meet riders who work the same schedule as you who are looking for people to ride with.
Step number 4. Ride your bike! Have fun, meet new people, enjoy the views, get in shape, lose weight, and make friends for life.
Tips on finding a club or other riders in your area.
Check Google. I did a search on Google for “mountain bike club” and received 144,000 results. Try (mountain bike club + your town) in Google and you will surely find something.
Your local bike shop. Your local bike shop knows all the riders and all of the clubs. Get to know them. They want your business and they love new riders.
If you can’t find a club – Start one. Work through your local bike shop, place brochures, and run free classifieds. You undoubtedly will get some interested people.
Of course you need to check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program. Learn the rules of mountain biking and stay with riders who will be patient with you. Get in shape, lose weight, and have fun!
Bill Herren is the webmaster for []
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