Foward Drive


Did you ever wonder why some people seem to gravitate to success with their eyes
closed and one hand tied behind their backs, while others struggle and fight to even
come close? It’s like the guy who bought his first lottery ticket and won or the girl
that got that top job before she even graduated from college.

These people have something in common, and no, it’s not just good fortune or luck.
It’s an incredible sense of drive. Some people call it heart and yes, it does comes
from within. It’s what propels us forward, even as we fail, it keeps us working and
striving for that ultimate goal, whatever that may be. Never looking back. Finding
something that you want so badly that you’re willing to make any sacrifice for it.

Ok, I guess you can’t compare it with the lottery ticket, but maybe that guy had lost
his job and had kids to support. Maybe that girl in college needed to take care of
her sick mother. The point is, you really don’t know what sacrifices people have
made to get to a certain point. I digress…

To be successful, whether it’s at a job, or winning a game, losing weight, or even
holding that baby in your arms for the first time, you must be willing to sacrifice
something. That willingness is your “drive in disguise”, and everyone has it.

The other day, my daughter saw something that she wanted and started running
towards it. While she was running, she turned around to see if I was watching her,
and fell down. She got up quickly, no harm done, but forgot all about what it was
that she was running towards.

Find what it is in life that you really want and run after it! Don’t ever look back! You
know what happens when you turn around while you’re running; you fall down. Keep
that Forward Drive going, Stay Focused on your Goal and it will be yours!

Goal setting is a whole other area and another article. However, I need to briefly
touch on goal setting, otherwise that “drive in disguise” may get put in neutral.
Before you start running forward, you need to set your goals. Whether it be the goal
of the weight you want to lose, the job you want, the way you look or the money you
want to earn. If you don’t set goals, instead of staying focused and running
forward, you may start running in circles. Forward Drive, one goal at a time. After
you set your goals, decide the best way to get there and start that forward drive!
Every goal achieved is a building block for more confidence and more success. Your
goals will constantly change as you re-evaluate what you want, and that’s important.

Ok, lets recap:

Set your goals and be willing to make some sacrifices,
Put your drive in motion,
Run after it,
Never look back.

That’s it, a basic formula for success! Now Go Get What You Want!

Yours in Fitness & Health,

Audrey Scott
Shintai Fitness, LLC

The author has been actively involved it the fitness industry for over 15 Years. She has been a full time aerobics instructor and personal trainer, as well as a competitive bodybuilder. Current owner and founder of Shintai Fitness, LLC. [], AFAA Certified Aerobics instructor 1991 AFAA Certified Personal Trainer 1993 Kickbox certified through Promise Enterprises and the ISCA Spin Certified Gokyu rank, Tekkenryu Jujutsu under Sensei Damian Ross Full Time Mother

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Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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