Maybe not, but it looks like it can help your brain work more efficiently. Researchers looked at the brain waves of two groups of elderly people, one athletic, the other sedentary. They found that the brain waves of the athletic group more closely resembled those of younger people. This study strongly suggests that exercise can help you maintain your mental sharpness as you age. So who do you know who wants to maintain their mental edge as they age? My unique coaching system will provide you with an exercise program to help you achieve a fit body as well as a fit mind.
First hand experience shows me that older adults who work out make better drivers because their minds are sharper. The reflexes of an 80 year old exerciser as opposed to a non-exerciser/sedentary adult are more than 20 times faster. Being able to respond to traffic emergencies in a timely manner could mean the difference between a fender-bender and a fatal accident.
Exercise is the most widely prescribed “pill” today. Exercise, when done properly, incorporates the body, mind and spirit.
Can you be athletic at any age? You betcha. The old school of thought was that once you lost it (i.e. strength, flexibility, stamina, and mental clarity) you could not get it back. I’m here to tell you that that way of thinking is outdated. Whatever the age, whatever the circumstance, with consistency and perseverance, you can regain what ever physical characteristics you thought were lost. If your body is exercised and becomes conditioned, it links right to the brain and other motor skills. My unique coaching program can give you the motivation and support that you need to regain control of your body.
Aging can be a wonderful trip. To age with grace and dignity you need to be pro-active in your wellness regime. If you aren’t taking care of your body by fueling it with the proper food, hydrating it with the right amounts of water, and exercising properly, you can’t expect it to support you in your later years.
You can equate your body to an automobile. Would you wait until you run out of gas to refuel? Would you wait until the engine overheated to check to see if your radiator was full? Would you wait until the engine seized up before you changed the oil? Think about it!
Take classes in nutrition; learn about what the proper amounts of water you need for your individual make-up; hire someone to help you set up an exercise program that is designed for your body and its needs. Then, adopt this knowledge as a lifestyle and live a quality life.
I’ve mentioned taking classes, learning, and exercising. I’d like to interject that as you embark on your wellness journey that you do your homework and research the information that you are planning to adopt.
A very important tip is that no matter who or what source you decide to listen to, follow that one concept. Don’t try to pull in information from this person or that magazine or that newspaper article…it’ll drive you nuts. Find one person or source and stick to it.
Don’t try to pull from several different resources because you will find that there will be lots of conflicting information. If you try to listen to every suggestion and take each person’s advice it will get you so confused and overwhelmed that you will probably scrap the whole lifestyle change idea. You might need to have one source for nutrition counseling and one for fitness training, but nonetheless, listen to just one person for each segment of your voyage.
Learn to trust your instincts, your body and your coach.
An active lifestyle is so much more fun and rewarding than a sedentary one. Our bodies were designed to move. Even if you haven’t been active for a long time and you have no major health issues, with dedication, perseverance, and consistency you too can improve your life.
Don’t forget to find time for rest and recuperation. Your muscles need to rest so that they can rebuild and be stronger for your next workout. Wait at least 48 hours between full body strength workouts.
Bonnie Murphy-BFIT and Well- Healthy Lifestyle Coach for Mature Women. 20+ years experience working with older adults. ACE, AFAA, AEA, and UAA Certified as Group Exercise Instructor, Personal Trainer and Aquatic Exercise Instructor. Master Fitness by Phone Coach. Developed the 18-week Ultimate Phone Coaching Program so that I can work with you from wherever you are in the World. This program is guaranteed to bring you results in fitness, weightloss and health.
Phone: 907.646.4076