I’m going to share with you strategies that you must know if you ever want to stand a chance of getting a flat stomach and a six-pack of abs.
Sometimes the question gets asked: Where does the average person go when it comes to getting the abs trained properly?
What we have to understand is that many people make huge mistakes when looking for six-pack abs. We think that it is more about training our abs directly, pumping away with all kinds of different types of ab exercises.
But, you know, there is so much more behind it. The person who is trying so hard to get those abs to show is spending too much time in the gym and doing too many reps and crunches, twisting exercises, leg raises, and things like that.
All of that is wasted time because that is time that could have been better spent on designing a full body workout program that elicits a better metabolic response and increases the fat burning hormone levels in the body.
Those are the things that really get the abs down, because, as you know, there’s a lot of fat that is covering the abs and losing that fat is most important, so that you can make the abs visible, because under that bad fat the abs are there already, you just need to get them up and refine them and define them.
So, once again, pumping away with hundreds of crunches and leg raises does not cause much of a metabolic fat burning hormonal response, and this is the main focus of The Truth About Abs six-pack book.
So, you’re going to get full body training programs and proper nutrition to strip off that stubborn belly fat and reveal the six-pack that are hiding underneath.
Ken Kelley
Health article writer – For more information on abs
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