The Best Cardio Exercises


Some people were born with great bodies; some know how to get one. However, it is a common knowledge that achieving and having a well shaped, toned, and defined body don’t come that easy. So, don’t expect washboard abs in just couple of days and weeks of training. Instead, go for some realistic, sustainable routine that gets you fitter and firmer over time.

Here’s how to get a shapelier body through the best cardio exercises in the realm of fitness and wellness industry:

1. Dancing

This is considered as one of the best cardio exercises. Any kind of dance will do. You can go for ten-dance consisting of Latin and standard dances, dance sport like ballroom or other forms like street dancing, hip-hop and aerobics. What’s great about dancing as a cardio exercise is the fact that all your muscles in different body parts are in motion. It’s also considered an excellent form of exercise since you can do it at any age. In dancing, you’ll basically need a good pair of dancing shoes, a reputable dancing studio, and a dancing instructor with proper credentials. If you put some more oomph into it, dancing can be the best form of cardio exercise.

2. Running

This is a kind of cardio routine that doesn’t require the presence of specialized equipment to accomplish an effective training. Running is an effectual exercise to burning serious calories in lesser period of time. The trend towards functional training and exercise has resuscitated the use of body weight as you run. Thus, bringing to its objective of effectively propelling the body with speed and power coupled with the desire to be in great shape. One should only take note of some knee and ankle discomfort in the course of doing the exercise or even after running in a row. It is a must to do some warm up and stretching prior to running to avoid discomfort and injuring oneself.

3. Swimming

If you’re concerned about joint pains or straining your back while doing other weight loss routines, swimming is perhaps the safest low-impact exercise for you. This is known to be one of the best cardio exercises for it can work all three major muscle groups without the worries of strain and high-impact injuries. Swimming is a great calorie burner and full body exercise improving one’s endurance, performance, and stamina.

Cardio is one of many ways to get fit and lean. Visit my blog titled , How To Get a Flat Stomach [], (very self-explanatory huh) for more fat burning tips.

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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