Running to Burn Fat – Rocky Balboa Was Right


These days it is popular opinion to walk at a moderate pace on the treadmill to reach a target heart rate and burn body fat at a steady rate. In every gym you see people just barely moving along for 30 minutes at a time on the treadmill. These are the same people that look the same year after year. Deep down, you know that this isn’t the most effective way to burn body fat. Seriously…you know that taking it easy isn’t going to cut it!

In 1976 Rocky Balboa Was Performing a Better Workout!

Yeah…it’s been 30 years, but Rocky had the right idea. I wouldn’t recommend pounding the glass of raw eggs, but I would recommend actually working up a sweat when you perform cardio. Rocky was running to burn fat and it worked wonders for him. He ran up some stairs in Rocky 1, he ran on the beach in Rocky 3, he ran through the snow in Rocky 4…you get the idea.

Running to Burn Fat -vs- Walking to Burn Fat

When you walk on a treadmill and reach a moderate target heart rate, a high percentage of the calories you burn will come from fat. When you run, a lower percentage of the calories you burn come from fat, but you will burn MUCH more calories. When you run, you will burn more total fat and more calories. You may burn a lower percentage of the calories from fat, but the total is still much higher than walking.

Running to Burn Fat? Burns Fat Even After the Workout is Finished.

Walking simply doesn’t boost your metabolism very much. You are really only burning fat while you are walking. Running on the other hand, boosts your metabolism and turns your body into a fat burning machine. The better you get at running, the leaner you will get. Seriously…have you ever seen an overweight track star? You could get good at walking, but what is that going to do? I see tons of people who walk for close to an hour a day and never seem to improve the look of their physique.

Make Rocky Proud and Start Running to Burn Fat Instead of Walking!

Rusty Moore is a trainer who gives advice to men and women who want a body that has “The Hollywood Look”. Download his FREE 56 page report… Vacation Body Blueprint []. Get the slim & toned physique like Cam Gigandet, Brad Pitt, Jessica Biel, or Penelope Cruz. Click here to see the video and download the Free Report —-> []

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Author: Piyawut Sutthiruk

Losing weight will keep you healthy and have a long life. Cheer Up!

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