One of the main sticking points to any weight loss routine is after a while it gets mundane. To do the same thing over and over again, especially when it comes to weight loss, shows no real appeal to the average everyday person in society.
The fact remains you need to perform some type of cardiovascular activity, three days per week, for twenty minutes per session. If you look at the overall amount of time you have to allot compared to the total amount of time you are given in a week that translates to just one total hour out of your entire one hundred sixty-eight hours.
If you can keep it in this perspective you are already ahead of the game. Now let’s talk about what we can do to make it more fun so that even though it is for only twenty minutes, it should not be a boring twenty minutes.
I own an iPod. I think it is one of the best electronic devices out there when it comes to working out. I do not own a top of the line model; in fact it is a refurbished nano that I bought off of eBay for a really good price. Since owning my iPod I have loaded it up with literally hundreds of songs. After a while it came hard to find songs to put on there. Who would have thought that you could fit every single song you ever heard into a device that fits in your pocket?
You do not have to own an iPod as any MP3 player will do but whichever you choose make sure it holds a lot of songs and that you can set it for random play. This way when you are listening to music they never come out in the same order during any cardio session.
Listening to your music while performing your routine will make your cardiovascular routine more interesting and more fun. I look forward to my morning cardio routine where I can dawn the ear buds (in my day they use to be called earphones) and listen away. My twenty minutes goes by so incredibly fast.
Of course the information you put onto your iPod/MP3 player does not just have to be music. You can add business podcasts, sports recasts, motivational speakers’ messages and the list goes on and on.
If you ever want to get an idea of just what you can put on your iPod visit iTunes and take a look at the podcast store. Most podcasts are free and range from talking about your favorite animals, to religion, sports and everything in between. There is such a vast array of information to choose from that not only can your cardiovascular routine be fun but also educational.
The possibilities are limitless for the information that you can listen to, but the important thing here is if you want your twenty minutes to go by fast and be fun, invest in one of these devices. They can cost anywhere from $20 up through $200 depending on how advanced of a product you want to get. I recommend you keep it simple. Make sure it can hold a minimum of 200 songs and has random (also called shuffle) play. With one of these devices your cardiovascular routine will never be boring again.
About the Author:
Mr. Tucker is the senior editor for Weight Loss Nation, an online resource where you can learn about fitness, nutrition and exercise tips.