It happens to us all. When we start a new exercise plan we are full of enthusiasm. But after a few months we start to get in a rut. This is particularly true of repetitive exercises like treadmill workouts. At this point some people will just drop out. But by making just a few adjustments you can keep your enjoyment of exercising.
The first thing that you need to do is set yourself some goals. You can break these down into yearly, monthly and weekly goals. These need to be measurable and realistic to worthwhile. For instance you could work towards increasing the distance that you run by 10%, or you may want to lose 18 pounds gradually over the next year. It is important that you write your goals down and record your progress each week
You can put a TV in front of your treadmill to keep you occupied. Making the treadmill part of your daily routine is a good way to use it. For instance you could watch 30 minutes of the morning news while you workout. I’ve also seen some people reading their newspaper or a magazine while they are on their treadmill. If you are working out at constant pace, this could be something to consider.
Make use of all the features of your treadmill to make sure you don’t get bored. Many models come with a range of different programs in their computer, so you can easily add variety to your routines. You should also take advantage of the incline feature if you have one. This will simulate hill training and use slightly different muscles.
Another exercise to try out is interval training. This is good for all the folk who just use their treadmill to walk or run at the same speed. Interval training involves you working out hard for 2 minutes, and then slowing right down for 2 minutes. You then repeat the sequence throughout your workout. You should be aiming to workout at 80% of your maximum heart rate, followed by 65% of your maximum heart rate. Interval training also has the advantage that it burns more calories than a constant pace workout.
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