If you are at all interested in doing cardio, you have surely wondered what cardio exercise is better for you. The fact is, both low-intensity cardio and high-intensity cardio work to burn body fat. The big question is which type of cardio exercise works better.
It is a scientific fact that your body burns glycogen when you exercise at a higher intensity. Glycogen is basically a carbohydrate that your body stores in your liver and muscle for energy. Your body also burns fat during low-intensity exercise.
It would seem apparent that low-intensity exercise is not really effective, because we still see many obese people who are engaged in low-intensity workout routines.
Although your body does burn off more body fat during low-intensity exercises, like walking or swimming, a lot more calories are used up during a high-intensity workout like running. And even though some of these calories come from glycogen, you are still burning a good amount of calories from fat.
Additionally, when you use up the glycogen that your body has stored, the carbs that you eat will not be converted into body fat. Instead, they will be used to replenish the glycogen that you have used in your high-intensity workout.
High-intensity cardio also boosts your metabolism so it keeps on burning body fat long after the end of your workout. So while you’re in the car driving home from the gym, your body is still burning fat. This rarely happens with a low-intensity workout.
So when you use a high-intensity workout over the long haul, your body will continue to burn more calories even when you are done working out.
A great way to get the best of both worlds, is to add some high-intensity interval training to your cardio workout. For example, do your low-intensity walking for about five minutes, next go into a higher-intensity jog for the next five minutes. Then return to walking until you catch your breath. Now break into a sprint for about a minutes and then walk again. Continue alternating between walking and running until the end of your workout, or for about 15 minutes.
One of the benefits of cardio exercise is that the more you do, the more energy you have. Cardio is great for burning calories, but it is even better at boosting your energy.
Cardio exercise is fun and really good for you, and you should give it a try if you want to see a nice boost in your energy and get yourself in top physical shape. When starting out on a cardio exercise routine, make sure you begin slowly and give your body time to adjust. This will help prevent injury and overexertion.
At The Treadmill Workouts [http://www.treadmilluse.com] website, you can read more about treadmill workouts [http://www.treadmilluse.com/treadmill_workouts/treadmill_workouts.html] and the tread climber [http://www.treadmilluse.com/tread_climber/tread_climber.html].