As aerobic exercise options increase, the more popular they become. People are also becoming more aware how beneficial cardiovascular response of the body to aerobics is. In aerobic exercises the body uses oxygen thereby increasing the pulmonary rate and heart rate – different to slow and deliberate strength training methods which focus on improving power and strength of individual groups of muscles.
A combined program of exercise, healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet can mean and increased lifespan. An aerobic exercising program includes walking, running, jogging, tennis, rowing, swimming and aerobic classes – basically any exercise that increases a persons breathing and heart rate can be regarded as aerobics.
As the human body was designed for work and movement, this is the approach of any aerobic exercise program. Conversely, the less we do, the more difficult any type of physical exertion becomes.
Any increase in heart rate has a cardiovascular response. As the work load of the body’s cells increase the more oxygen they required for energy to cope with it. More efficient cell and lung functions mean easier breathing for the same work load and increased efficiency of the pulmonary system and cells.
Cells require increased oxygen intake to increase heart rate and depth of breathing so that the heart is able to pump blood through the body. During exercise the blood vessels relax allowing more blood to reach all cells.
Cardiovascular exercises release hormones that relax blood vessels while decreasing blood pressure and consistent exercise programs will ensure that this benefit extends throughout the entire day and is not restricted to a workout only.
All vessels in the body relax (also those around the heart) providing fuel and oxygen for higher work loads but a threshold exists beyond which not enough oxygen can be supplied for the work load and the body starts working anaerobically (anaerobic threshold). Many athletes can work anaerobically for short periods. As their efficiency levels increase they can maintain performance for longer with decreased oxygen levels. Improving anaerobic thresholds in athletes allows more efficient performance which may mean either winning or losing a race.
Cardiovascular response efficiency of aerobic exercises can be assessed by measuring the resting heart rate (establishes cardiovascular system efficiency while resting) and indicates heart muscle strength. Another measure is how quick the breathing and heart rates decrease after each workout. Both these methods will tell a person how efficient their cardiovascular system is as well as what state of overall health and physical fitness their bodies are in. Overall good health depends on good lifestyle choices – a balanced diet, sleep and fitness.
Bob Cotto spent most of his life as a Sr. Sales & Marketing executive. Two years ago his wife of 43 years, Joanne was told that she had 4th stage cancer. Since then, Bob and Joanne have devoted all of their energy to assisting her in maintaining a high quality of life. Find out more about his efforts at his site 4-Ideal-Health [].